
Emma Stone: Spiderman Is Sexiest Super-Hero

Emma Stone is Hollywood's hottest acreage this summer, and she's about to commence on her better role to date, starring as Peter Parker's adulation absorption in abutting Summer's The Amazing Spiderman. Emma Stone afresh told Gather Celebs that her alertness for the role has fabricated her accept the adventurous address of the super-hero, but she thinks that Spiderman is the sexiest of them all, preferring the webbed admiration to both Batman and Superman, afresh played by Hollywood heart-throbs Christian Bale and Brandon Routh. She will be starring alongside a hardly added anarchistic arch man, The Social Network's Andrew Garfield, and she said: "Batman's great, but this isn't a affluent guy architecture a suit. And Superman's great, but this isn't an untouchable guy like we've never apparent afore on this planet." 

Stone prefers the 'boy abutting door' angel of Spiderman, because she could brainstorm fantasizing that an accustomed guy from academy could do article amazing. She continued: "This [Spiderman] is addition you could go to academy with and assignment with, that all of sudden, one day is able to action off all-powerful villains. It's appealing incredible. I get it now. I absolutely do." Stone can currently be apparent in hit ball Crazy, Stupid, Adulation and will brilliant in addition summertime blockbuster, based on multi-million affairs atypical The Help, which is absolution after in August. She afresh told USA Today that admitting her accelerated acceleration to fame, she brand to accumulate her anxiety on the ground: "My ancestors and my accompany feel steady. So all that added stuff, if I don't pay absorption to it, it doesn't feel like anything's absolutely afflicted that much."

Patsy Cline’s restored home to open as museum

Patsy Cline admirers analytical about the aboriginal canicule of her abrupt but awful acclaimed country music career will assuredly be able to do added than aloof drive by her old abode in Winchester and breeze a picture.
The Patsy Cline Historic Abode will accessible Tuesday as a canonizing to the accompanist who recorded such abstract as “Crazy” and “I Fall to Pieces” afore dying in a even blast in 1963. Visitors will be able to footfall through the aperture of 608 S. Kent St. and aback in time some six decades for a glimpse of how Virginia “Ginny” Patterson Hensley lived from her midteens to mid-20s, as she emerged from alone obscurity to become one of music’s best constant and affecting superstars.
“The actuality that her music seems around-the-clock brings a able fresh accumulation in every bearing that keeps her alive,” said Cline’s daughter, Julie Fudge of Nashville. “Her career was a baby bulk of years, and she had lots of accolades, but I don’t anticipate she absurd the things that would appear afterwards she died.”
Cline’s husband, Charlie Dick of Nashville, said Patsy’s afterlife at age 30 and the catechism of how abundant added she ability accept able is “part of the mystique” that continues to ammunition absorption in her activity and career. But Cline’s sophisticated, genre-defying articulation additionally explains her iconic status, he said.
“Her articulation was the aboriginal of that blazon in country music,” Dick said, acquainted its address to a broader admirers than determined country fans.
In fact, Cline biographer Douglas Gomery said abounding of Cline’s hit annal fabricated both the country and pop charts.
“It’s absolutely circuitous music,” said Gomery, a retired University of Maryland media studies professor, citizen academic at the Library of American Broadcasting and columnist of “Patsy Cline: The Making of an Icon.” 
For decades, Cline’s fans have had to satisfy their curiosity about her early years in Winchester by cruising past her once-dilapidated former home on Kent Street, dropping by the drugstore where she worked as a teenage soda jerk, and paying homage at her gravesite just outside the Shenandoah Valley city of 26,000.
The public’s ongoing fascination with the first female solo artist inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame prompted a group of Winchester residents to establish a nonprofit corporation, Celebrating Patsy Cline Inc., which purchased and renovated the home. Cline moved to the house with her mother and two siblings in 1948, the year after her parents split up. She lived there until June 1957, except for a few years during her first marriage to Gerald Cline. Her mother, Hilda Hensley, rented at first but later bought the home.
Cline was living in the tiny two-story house when she signed her first record deal, made her Grand Ole Opry debut and won Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts television competition by singing “Walkin’ After Midnight,” which became her first hit record.
“There’s no museum for her, so this is the actual place that she lived the longest in her short life,” said Gomery. “She really made the transition from amateur singer to professional singer when she lived there.”
Said Fudge: “I think when you go into the house, you will kind of feel like this is a snapshot of what it would have been like to visit when Mom lived there.”
What visitors will see is a home that was typical for families of modest means during that era: small rooms, low ceilings, scaled-down furniture and very little storage space. Celebrating Patsy Cline spent about $100,000 renovating the house and equipping it with appliances and furniture intended to replicate the way the home looked when the singer lived there.
The first stop is the living room — a compact space with refinished pine floors that Ron Hottle, president of Celebrating Patsy Cline, said predate the Civil War. The house originally was an early-1800s log cabin, and some of the original logs are exposed under Plexiglas next to the front door.
Decor was kept to a minimum to allow room for visitors: a floral-print sofa with lace doilies, an end table holding a turquoise lamp and black rotary-dial telephone and ashtray, a small chair flanked by a rack of vintage magazines, a 1951 television, family photos and an 8-by-10 of Cline in one of her cowgirl outfits on the fireplace mantel.
In the dining room, visitors will see an old Singer sewing machine like the one her mother used to make a living as a seamstress, and to make costumes similar to one displayed on a mannequin a few feet away. Hottle said some of Cline’s original costumes, still faintly smelling of the cigarette smoke that hung in the 1950s honky-tonk air, are in climate-controlled storage for display in a museum that Celebrating Patsy Cline hopes to eventually open elsewhere in Winchester.
Adjacent to the dining room is a galley-style kitchen that was added when Cline lived there. Originally a porch, the room is equipped with ’50s appliances and basic white cabinets packed with souvenirs that will be available for purchase—coffee mugs, assorted trinkets, videos and Gomery’s book.
Upstairs is the lone bedroom that was shared by all four family members. Pat Brannon, Cline’s cousin, remembers the sleeping arrangements: Patsy in the twin bed closest to the door, her mother and younger sister in a double bed on the other side of an apple-crate night-stand, and her little brother in another single bed tucked into the corner. Two tiny closets and a four-drawer dresser provided all the storage space the family needed. “People just didn’t have a lot of clothes back then like they do now,” Brannon said.
Brannon said the restoration accurately portrays 608 S. Kent St. as she remembers it. She also said it brings back personal memories of helping out around the house, bringing in firewood and watching her Aunt Hilda on the Singer, working the treadle as the bobbin spun out thread for one of Patsy’s fringed cowgirl outfits.
Hottle said many of the 20 docents who will conduct tours of the house have personal memories of Cline to share.
If you go:
Patsy Cline Historic House: 608 S. Kent St., Winchester, Va.; www.celebratingpatsycline.org; (540) 662-5555. Tour hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a. m.-4 p. m.; Sundays, noon-4 p. m. Adults, $6, seniors over 60 and children under 18, $5; children under 10 and military with ID, free.

Casey Anthony Mask and Other Merchandise Booming Online

While Casey Anthony, the Florida woman acquitted of murdering babe Caylee, has remained in hiding, affluence of commodity accompanying to her ballyhoo has popped up. This Casey Anthony acrylic affectation has accustomed bids as aerial as $25,100 back "prophunter" acquaint the affectation on Ebay. The agent writes to abeyant bidders that this Halloween, they should "forget Freddy [and] Jason Meyers." The agent says that the affectation is one of nine fabricated for a film


Harisson Ford Top 5 performance

We're activity to bluff a little bit with this week's Bristles Most list. Because any altercation of Harrison Ford's best performances has to accommodate the iconic roles of Han Solo and Indiana Jones. They're aloof a given. So we're revisiting bristles added performances that accept stood out over his varied, 40-year blur career.

His best canicule may be abaft him, but moments still flash through aback he proves he's still got "it": that mix of superstar allure and everyman relatability, boldness and irony. With Ford co-starring in "Cowboys & Aliens" this week, here's a attending aback at some of his finest work:

— "Witness" (1985): It's array of baffling, but this is alone blur for which Ford has becoming an Oscar nomination; maybe he's aloof so acceptable at what he does, he makes it attending effortless. In administrator Peter Weir's thriller, he plays a badge detective who goes into ambuscade in Amish country to assure a adolescent boy who witnessed a murder. He's boxy and he's smart, but as he grows added adequate in this adopted community, he additionally proves he can milk a cow and accession a beggarly barn. And as we apperceive from the "Indiana Jones" movies, Ford can abrasion a hat — any affectionate of hat — and accomplish it attending sexy. He additionally reveals a breakable and chaste ancillary in the afire allure he enjoys with Kelly McGillis as the boy's mother.

— "The Fugitive" (1993): This is one of those regular-guy-in-danger roles that are Ford's aliment and butter. Based on the 1960s TV series, the blur stars Ford as Dr. Richard Kimble, who was abominably bedevilled of killing his wife. Aback the bus he's benumbed in crashes on the way to prison, he makes his escape. His intensity, paranoia and abhorrence are palpable. But Ford additionally functions as the beeline man actuality compared to Tommy Lee Jones as the quick-witted advance investigator on his tail. Both performances accord the blur a abyss above the accepted summertime hunt thriller. But that adverse additionally sets up this archetypal barter already their paths cross: "I didn't annihilate my wife." ''I don't care."

— "The Mosquito Coast" (1986): Working with Weir again, Ford takes on a actual altered role. He plays an aberrant artist who's so fed up with abreast association that he packs up his wife (Helen Mirren) and kids (including River Phoenix) and moves them to the rain forests of Central America. Unhinged yet unshakable, he's bedeviled to the point of abstention absoluteness in his following of utopia. It's to Ford's acclaim that he's so believable in arena a appearance who becomes chiefly unlikable, alike to the ancestors that's declared to adulation him. Then again, the calligraphy was acclimatized by Paul Schrader, an able in the apperception of the addled man.

— "Blade Runner" (1982): Ridley Scott's blur is a sci-fi classic, and Ford anchors it with stoic, film-noir cool. He stars as Rick Deckard, a retired Los Angeles detective in the year 2019 who's alleged aback into assignment to seek out and abolish insubordinate replicants. Based on a Philip K. Dick novel, "Blade Runner" is all about affection and assembly architecture — a dank, affected dystopia that's back become badly influential. But Ford brings a much-needed faculty of circuitous altruism to this aphotic spectacle.

— "Working Girl" (1988): A abundant archetype of Ford's accommodation for adventurous comedy. Yes, Mike Nichols' blur is all about able women, with Melanie Griffith advancing into her own as a big-haired secretary at a above Wall Street close who takes over for her ailing bang-up (Sigourney Weaver). But the accord she forges both professionally and alone with Ford's character, an advance broker who thinks she's absolutely in charge, helps her aplomb blossom. He's abiding but additionally passionate, agreeable and bemused, an amiss Prince Charming. That may all complete like a contradiction, but it's that affectionate of versatility that makes Ford so enduring.

Olivia Wilde-Jobros put a sex hex on my house

Olivia Wilde isn’t accepting any activity - and it’s the Jonas Brothers’ fault.

The “Cowboys & Aliens” star, who afresh confused in to the trio’s above Los Angeles pad, said it’s bright Kevin, Joe and Nick Jonas placed a “no sex hex” on the home.

“We accusation the Jonas Brothers for the abridgement of activity accident in our house,” Wilde told Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday.

But, the brothers, acclaimed for antic abstention rings and alliance abstinence, fabricated up for the hex with a appropriate acceptable gift.

“They larboard life-sized agenda cutouts of themselves in the garage,” Wilde said. “I didn’t alike accept to pay extra!”

And the cutouts are actuality put to acceptable use. Wilde said her acquaintance sometimes places the agent of Joe over her while she’s sleeping.

Iphone 5 Issues

Iphone 5 rumors continues to agitate today over images acquaint this anniversary by British cellphone blog Mobile Fun. The armpit says the pictures arise from a “design certificate for an iPhone 5 case,” allegedly leaked from a Chinese manufacturer, as able-bodied as a mockup of a additional iPhone 5 case, which it says comes from a altered manufacturer.

So why is the blogosphere active about these pictures? If they’re 18-carat -- and, to be fair, that’s a big if -- we can infer absolutely a bit about what the next-generation iPhone will attending like.
RELATED: Is Apple declaring war on DVDs? 

First up: the display. These fresh images arise to appearance a 4-inch affectation (the accepted iPhone’s is 3.5 inches) housed in the same-sized body. The bezel is about absolutely gone; the awning stretches from bend to bend and about from top to bottom. The images additionally arise to appearance an oval-shaped, touch-sensitive breadth forth the phone’s basal border, in the amplitude active by the concrete home button on the accepted iPhone. This squares with an beforehand rumor from tech armpit Thisismynext, which arise that the home button could be accomplishing “double duty” as a action area. 

Mobile Fun’s images additionally arise to affirm an beforehand rumor that the iPhone 5 will accept a redesigned body. The case assets appearance a aback console that curves about the edges to accommodated with the front, a architecture that’s abundant afterpiece to that of the iPod Touch than the iPhone 4. 

One of the images additionally shows a analytical agent on the aback of the case, appropriate area the Apple logo sits on the iPhone 4. Mobile Fun suggests that this agent indicates the antenna will be on the aback of the iPhone 5 – conceivably accumulation the logo itself as allotment of the antenna – rather than active forth the ancillary of the handset, as it does in the iPhone 4. Such a redesign would acceptable arise as a abatement to anyone who begin their iPhone 4 bottomward calls due to the widely-publicized “death grip” issue, a aftereffect of the phone’s ancillary antenna. The window could additionally be a simple vanity play; some bodies like to appearance off that they're captivation an iPhone.

Although the iPhone 5 rumors are piling up, we still don’t have a date for when the new device will actually appear. The gossip site MacRumors reported Wednesday on a prediction that the next-gen handset could appear the second week in September, but Steve Jobs hasn’t portentously booked the Moscone Center for any announcements

Scarlett Johansson declines invite to Marine

Scarlett Johansson is the most contempo celebrity to account an allure to the Marine Corps Brawl in November.
Sgt. Dustin L. Williams acquaint a two-minute video aftermost anniversary in which he asks Johansson to be his date to the November 10 ball. As you may remember, "Friends With Benefits" stars Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake both accustomed agnate video invites in contempo weeks (and both stars accept said they'll attend).
Johansson, however, won't be able to accomplish an actualization as she'll be in Europe cutting a blur at the time, her rep told The Famous. But she will be sending a case of albino in her stead.

"I feel abundantly accustomed to accept been arrive to the Marine Corps Brawl by Sgt. Dustin L. Williams," Johansson said in a account to Zap2It. "Not alone does Sgt. Williams deserve acceptance for his bravery, selflessness and adherence to the United States and its people, but he additionally displays a bold aptitude for blur making. Sgt. Williams, abominably due to above-mentioned commitments I will not be able to appear the Brawl with you this year but I am sending you a case of Moet and Chandon with gratitude. In my absence, I accession a bottle to you and all the men and women of the U.S. Marine Corps, accomplished and present, in acknowledgment for your connected charge to attention the assurance of our nation."

A kind and gracious response, no?

It sounds like Williams will be understanding of Johansson's conflict.

He told Zap2It before learning of Johansson's reply, "If I was told she could not attend, I would understand. I would not believe the invitation would be denied without good cause. With her current career I would imagine Scarlett Johansson is a busy woman."

Kunis and Timberlake's invites brought about a flurry of Marine Corp Ball video invites directed at celebrities, including ones for Betty White (she sent her regrets), Linda Hamilton (she said yes) and Miley Cyrus (she hasn't responded, as far as we know).

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphrie's wedding

Kim Kardashian and her fiancé Kris Humphrie's bells allurement emerged online on Friday, acknowledging the couple's bells date of August 20.

The atramentous tie activity will action in an bearding area in Montecito, California. According to People magazine, the invitations accustomed housed in boxes covered in atramentous hematite crystals. See a photo of the allure below. 

The invitations were advised by Lehr & Black, who additionally advised invitations for her sister Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom, Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, Fergie and Josh Duhamel, Heidi Klum and Seal and Britney Spears and Kevin Federline, amid others. 

Kardashian acclaimed her bachelorette affair in Las Vegas on July 23 and concluded up abolition Humphries' available party. The 30-year-old absoluteness brilliant acclaimed her final few weeks of distinct activity at Tao Las Vegas with accompany and sisters Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian. 

Kardashian and Humphries began dating in December 2010 and the basketball amateur proposed in May with a $1 million, 20.5 carat assurance ring. 

Humphries, who plays for the New Jersey Nets, will be the additional NBA amateur to accompany the ancestors back Khloe affiliated Los Angeles Lakers brilliant Lamar Odom in 2009. But while Khloe's bells came calm in aloof 9 canicule of planning, she predicts that her sister will "go big." 

"Kim goes big. It's not activity to be small. And I antic and I say it will be like the Royal Wedding, because she is aloof like that," Khloe Kardashian told People magazine. "I don't appetite to advice because Kim is activity to be such a bridezilla! If I do one affair wrong, I'll be screwed! But I would adulation to be in the wedding."


Pippa Middleton post royal wedding

The aristocratic bells of Catherine Middleton, now the Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince William was abounding of appearance surprises. There was Catherine's dress, advised by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen; her 1936 Cartier tiara; the queen in the brightest of yellows; the august hats in shapes and colors that would battling any "Star Wars" cine set and of course, there was Catherine's sister Pippa. The admirable bistered may accept baseborn the appearance from her big sis...well, aloof a little...in her beauteous ivory glassy cowl-neck dress, additionally advised by Burton. 

If you didn't apperceive who Pippa Middleton was afore the bells you absolutely should now. She was consistently absolutely beautiful but post-royal bells one can't advice but admiration if she's attempting to addition her appearance cred or if the apple is aloof now demography notice. Either way we can't delay to see what she'll abrasion next. 

The day afterwards the aristocratic bells Pippa was spotted abrogation the Goring Hotel in London area the Middleton ancestors backward the night afore the big day. Attractive chichi as can be, Pippa larboard in a brace of white jeans, a chrism black top, aristocratic dejected tailored blazer from Zara and aloof flats.
Part of the Middleton sisters' attraction is that aggregate about them, including their clothing, seems appropriately modest, attainable and bottomward to earth. Pippa's blazer retails for $100, a appealing frugal acquisition already but if you're attractive for article alike added affordable we've got you covered with the Double-breasted Boonie blazer from J.Crew in aphotic fleet for $79.99, Gibson one-button blazer from Nordstrom for $88, Ponte affiliate anorak in abysmal dejected from J Jill for $34.99, Casual linen anorak from Forever 21 for $24.80 or the Thatch approach blazer from Anthropologie for $88.


Jennifer Lopez reportedly abutting to accord to acknowledgment to 'American Idol'

Lopez is abutting to extensive a accord with Fox to reprise her anticipation role on American Idol abutting season, The Wall Street Journal appear Sunday, citation bodies accustomed with the talks.
Fox beneath to animadversion on the negotiations back contacted by The Journal, and a Lopez adumbrative additionally told the bi-weekly "there is annihilation to announce." 

However, American Idol executive producer Cecile Frot-Coutaz appeared to be slightly more forthcoming and stated the production of Idol's eleventh season is proceeding without issue, with Lopez presumably returning to the judging panel.

"We're in good shape. No worries. No dark clouds on the horizon," Frot-Coutaz told The Journal while declining to comment on the talks directly.

Earlier this month, E! News reported that Lopez -- who joined American Idol as part of last season's judging shakeup alongside fellow judge Steven Tyler -- had agreed to return for Idol's upcoming season, however a formal announcement has not been made yet.

According to prior reports, Lopez received $12 million to serve as a member of Idol's panel and was seeking an increase to return (unlike Tyler, who signed a multi-year-contract, Lopez's judging deal was only for one season).

Last month, the singer and actress said she was "on the fence" about returning to American Idol as a judge and the show's producers had reportedly begun discussing possible replacements for Lopez in case they could not reach an agreement.

While Lopez -- who recently announced she and former husband Marc Anthony have split, ending their seven-year marriage -- had suggested her busy schedule would prevent her from making a future commitment to Idol, InTouch Weekly subsequently reported Anthony's desire to have her spend more time with him was the real cause of her hesitation.

"Jennifer signed a one-year contract with an option to renew," a source told InTouch in its July 4 issue. "She's ready to commit to a few more seasons because she loves the job and the money, but Marc wants her to quit so she can spend more time with him."