
The Pick Up Artist. Season 1 - Self Help

<p>Anyone who's heard of Neil Strauss's bestselling book, The Game, will be aware of the term PUA, which stands for Pick Up Artist, and a shadowy group of individuals who have formed a 'pua community' in order to work out the best methods to seducing women. These methods are about to become public for the first time, and will be able to be witnessed on VH1's latest reality show, The Pick Up Artist. </p>

<p>Over the decades PUAs have been studying and breaking down stages of social interaction, and testing various methods in a relentless quest to seduce women. Neil Strauss himself went from a geeky, short, nervous and balding thirty year old to one of the best pick up artists in the world with the ability to seduce almost any woman he chooses, all thanks to the guidance from Erick Von Markovick, AKA Mystery PUA. </p>

<p>Many people doubted the validity of Strauss's claims, with claims abounding that there was no way someone could learn to be good with women.</p>

<p>For anyone who doubts this theory there is a chance to witness first hand both the methods and the transformations that they bring about in VH1's show, The Pick Up Artist. In this show eight individuals, who by their own admission have serious failings when it comes to socialising with women, will be given the chance to be trained by one of the best pick up artists in the world, Mystery PUA. </p>

<p>Author of The Mystery Method, and trainer of the now infamous Neil Strauss, Mystery and his two wingmen, Matador and J Dog will coach these eight individuals in their dress sense, body language, and social skills, teaching them the secrets that every man wants to learn, how to be 'good with women', and how to become The Pick Up Artist.</p>

<p>Each week the contestants will be set a 'Field Test' whereby they will be expected to go out into the real world of bars, clubs and coffee shops and interact with women, using techniques from The Mystery Method. Whoever performs the best will be given a pick up 'prop' to help them in the next challenge, such as an ear piece to get advice from Matador, one of Mystery's wing men, whilst whoever performs the worst will have to pack their bags and go home.</p>

<p>Among the eight 'socially awkward' contestants is a forty five year old virgin, a man who freezes and is unable to speak when talking to women, and six other men, all of whom are desperate to be coached in how to interact with women. Hidden cameras will follow their interactions with women and will document their transformation at every stage, until the final individual is crowned a 'Master Pick Up Artist', by Mystery PUA, as well as collecting prize money of $50,000.</p>

<p>Crucially this will give people a chance to witness some key things about pick up, and seduction. The eight individuals are not testosterone charged ego maniacs with a deep seated hatred of all things female, they are simple eight people who struggle to fit in and want to improve themselves. Despite all of them desperately wanting a girlfriend and a social life, they simply don't have the confidence, and the thought of going out into the world and talking to people, especially women, terrifies them. The Pick Up Artist will be one of the first opportunities to demonstrate to people that being good with women is not necessarily something that you are born with, it is something that can be broken down, taught and developed, as demonstrated by Mystery Method instructors the world over. And it is taught to people who are decent, ordinary guys, who have always had to watch the world of relationships and female companionship pass them, leaving them only able to wonder why some gu
ys get all the luck. </p>

<p>It will be a chance to see both Mystery PUA and his highly regarded formula, The Mystery Method in action. Those who once scoffed at the idea that 'geeks' and 'social misfits' can never learn to get girls will no doubt be surprised.

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