
Watch Special Treatment Online free movie - Entertainment - Movies

<p>A very fertile conceit - the film both gradually brings together and rhymes the skills and experiences of two very different disenchanted individuals whose work might be seen as therapeutic (a psychoanalyst with a troubled marriage, and a high-class prostitute who specialises in role-playing) - is given real substance by Isabelle Huppert's predictably superb turn as the call-girl considering calling it a day. Lent strong support by Bouli Lanners as the morose shrink, she wrings each and every subtle nuance out of a character that in other hands might have slipped into caricature - though whether (pace the LFF booklet's claims) the film also serves as a commentary on Huppert's own career is another matter entirely.</p>

<p>I would love to know what a psychiatrist would think of the links between psychology and prostitution. I'm sure they wouldn't be impressed with the mere mention of the two professions in the same sentence. But if you think about it, the parallels are pretty obvious. Both offer one-on-one service. Both deliver a form of therapy. Both can leave you feeling extremely satisfied or deeply sad. And both charge a small fortune for the pleasure.</p>

<p>So it's fun to see those parallels collide in this French comedy-drama, where a high-class call girl and a high-priced psychoanalyst come together for some highly unorthodox - and decidedly non- - special treatment sessions.</p>

<p>Alice (Isabelle Huppert) is a no-nonsense prostitute in her 40s who fulfils the fantasies of her wealthy clientele through role-play rather than outright . She dresses up in a variety of costumes to play a giggly schoolgirl, a doting 1950s housewife and a bondage freak who - with her black leather and peroxide buzz cut - resembles Annie Lennox.</p>

<p>On the other hand, Xavier (Belgian actor-director Bouli Lanners) is a portly, deeply sad psychoanalyst whose marriage is crumbling. In desperation, he calls Alice, who happens - somewhat conveniently - to want to quit prostitution and is seeking a shrink for help. It's the kind of plot contrivance that would stand out in a Hollywood movie, but here it's underplayed in typically French style.</p>

<p>"My services start at 50 euros per session," Alice tells Xavier at their first meeting, "with a 10 session minimum". Who's counselling who here?</p>

<p>Amusingly, Special Treatment suggests that Alice's profession delivers the more effective therapy. She gives her clients exactly what they want, while Xavier is so distant his clients usually analyse themselves. Watch Special Treatment Movie Online</p>

<p>Despite a plot that's ripe for comic pickings, director Jeanne Labrune doesn't draw out the comedy as much as she could, focusing instead on the drama as the parallel lives intersect and change course. There's some uneven direction and the script fails to give either character much of a backstory. And the supporting players - from Xavier's wife (Valerie Dreville) and Alice's fellow prostitute (Sabila Moussadek) to the varying oddball clients each counsel - play roles that should have added more.</p>

<p>Most of all, the real special treatment here is watching Huppert in another commanding, seemingly effortless tour de force. You won't recognise her as she dons an array of costumes and disappears so fully into her fantasy-characters that it's hard to know where they end and Alice begins. Even in their initial meeting, when Alice recites her terms to Xavier, he's unsure if she's already in character and asks, "Is this you?"Netwebsite.In Is A Free Movies Website Where You Can Watch_ Special_Treatment _movie_Online.</p>

<p>Like a chameleon changing colours, Huppert again proves why she's one of the world's best actors and lifts Labrune's not-so-special treatment into a satisfying session at the cinema. To View The Full HD free_movies_online_for_free

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