
Celebrities Who Have Had or Are Rumored to Have Had Botox - Health

<p>Celebrity Botox treatments are all the rage in Hollywood where celebrities are under constant pressure to retain a youthful appearance. It is easier to make a list of celebrities who have not had Botox injections rather than point out those who have. While celebrity Botox can often bring around natural results and can erase wrinkles around the eyes, some celebrity Botox has been overdone to the point where the celebrity no longer resembles a human, but a plastic doll. Two celebrities who have had too many Botox injections are Mickey Rourke and Priscilla Presley. In addition to too much Botox, both have also had horrible results from celebrity plastic surgery. </p>

<p>Botox injections are a non-surgical way to erase lines that often appear as someone gets older. Botox injections are used around the eyes, the lips and the forehead to give a smoother appearance. As is the case with celebrity plastic surgery, some celebrities take celebrity Botox to the extreme and give themselves an unnatural looking appearance. This can cause their skin to look unnatural tight and, in the case of Priscilla Presley, actually keep them from being able to make normal facial expressions. You can tell if a celebrity has overdone Botox injections when their skin looks like it will crack if they smile. </p>

<p>Some celebrities have had celebrity Botox with good results. Al Pacino is rumored to have undergone Botox injections around his eyes as well as having had other types of celebrity cosmetic surgery. Instead of going for a look that would appear unnatural for a man his age, however, Al Pacino still sports a few lines that make him look younger, but natural. </p>

<p>Celebrities are in an industry that worships youth and beauty. For this reason, in order to stay working and receiving public adulation, many celebrities look to regain some of their youth by erasing lines with celebrity Botox treatments. Botox injections can work out well as long as they are not overdone and do not cause the celebrity to have an unnatural look about them. Too much of a good thing is never good, as is the case with Botox injections.

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