
Streaming Movies Online - Entertainment

<p>Streaming movies online </p>

<p>Advances in internet technology have given people around the world the ability to watch full length streaming movies online. Many young people already consider cable and satellite systems old school and most media experts say that the future of the entertainment industry is online. The fusion of television and the computer screen allows consumers to access television shows, documentaries and streaming movies online. Websites that use a streaming format send the movie to the user's computer as an information stream and the user's player decodes the movie as it is being watched. </p>

<p>The most widely used player to watch streaming movies online is the Adobe flash player which is available for free download. The Adobe flash player is easy to install, is very user friendly is regularly updated and works on most movie websites. The fusion of computers with high end home entertainment systems has caused many movie fans to dump cable and satellite services in favor of the ability to view streaming movies online and access an ever growing database of movies, television shows, classic films and newly released movies. The selection of streaming movies online far exceeds the number of films available from cable on demand services and many websites offer these services for free. </p>

<p>Many media experts are now predicting the demise of the DVD and say that in the very near future internet entertainment will make land based services such as video stores obsolete. Viewers will be able to order any movie from the comfort and privacy of their own homes. At the present time there are many websites enabling viewers to access streaming movies online for free. Other sites charge rental fees but these are usually much lower than the fees charged by video stores and on demand cable services. The ability to watch new releases online has helped many cash strapped households save hundreds of dollars a year in entertainment costs. As everyone knows a trip to the theatre can be very expensive. There are parking fees, high ticket prices and theatres usually charge outrageous refreshment prices. </p>

<p>The internet entertainment industry is rapidly growing despite the current recession. The popularity of the internet as an entertainment source is a relatively recent development. A few years ago there were only a few websites offering streaming movies online and now there are hundreds of sites offering streaming movies online. The future looks very bright for the internet entertainment industry.

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