
No Longer Accessible to Only Celebrities - Business - Sales

<p>If wigs are good enough for celebrities, they're good enough for you!</p>

<p>Custom made, top quality wigs made with human hair have been around for many years, but up until fairly recently they were mainly used by movie stars to change their appearance and get into character. For example, John Travolta wore a lace wig when he appeared in cult film 'Swordfish'. However wearing hair pieces (extensions) and wigs for nights out and everyday life no longer has the stigma attached that it once had.</p>

<p>wigs are not only worn by those who are suffering hair loss, baldness or thinning hair, they are now a fashion accessory sported by many top name celebrities like Jessica Simpson, Beyonce, Tyra Banks and Paris Hilton to name a few.</p>

<p>In celebrity world it's more a case of who isn't wearing a hair piece as opposed to who is!</p>

<p>Lace wigs used to be out of reach for many who weren't celebrities due to the fact that they were custom made and hugely expensive. However prices have come down significantly enabling wigs to be accessible to all.</p>

<p>However not all wigs are 'celebrity style' wigs. Many of the mass produced wigs are made from synthetic hair which can not be heat styled, permed or coloured and the caps are often an inferior quality when compared to wigs which are worn by celebrities. Celebrity style wigs are made from human hair with Swiss or French lace. This lace is so thin that the seams melt into the adhesive giving it the illusion of growing out of the scalp. Even if the hair is worn in a tight pony-tail, you can't tell it's a wig!</p>

<p>Celebrity style full lace wigs are not only undetectable as wigs but they are very secure. So secure that you can sleep in your lace wig, shower, work-out and wear it for up to 3-weeks without removing it. This is great news for those who want extended wear. For those who prefer a style change for a night-out the lace front wigs are a great alternative.</p>

<p>Lace wigs are so good even your boyfriend won't know you're wearing one!</p>

<p>If you can work-out in a lace wig I'm guessing your love life won't do it any harm either. This is great news if you want to keep the illusion alive.</p>

<p> are a low maintenance, user friendly alternative to beautiful hair. It is the ability to live your life without special intervention that makes it so appealing. Not only do they allow uninterrupted change to your lifestyle but they also save you time in styling and expensive trips to the hair salon.</p>

<p>Benefits of wearing lace front and full lace wigs:</p>

<p>- You can shower, work-out and sleep in your full lace wig.- Full lace wigs can be worn continuously for up to 3-weeks.- Full lace wig hair can be worn up and away from the face including in a tight pony-tail.- A lace wig is undetectable as a wig when fitted correctly.- Full lace wigs can be parted in any direction from any starting point.- Lace wigs allow the scalp and hair beneath to breathe - no sweating.- Lace wigs can be styled, coloured and permed like real hair.- Lace wig hair looks more natural than other wig types, has more shine, bounce and body and reflects light beautifully.- Lace wigs are not heavy like other wig types</p>

<p>Uses for lace wigs:</p>

<p>- To hide a bad hair day.- To have a change of style.- To hide the appearance of thinning hair.- To hide baldness, alopecia, patchy hair loss.- To cover the difficult period when growing out a hair style.- To save the day when time is running out and you need to look great fast.</p>

<p>How do fair in bad weather?</p>

<p>The wind and the rain will not deter a owner from looking their absolute best when they attend a film premiere, as celebrity style aren't going anywhere anytime soon! They are reliable and time saving and best of all the price is now within your reach!</p>

<p>The prices of were in the thousands but you can now buy a very good celebrity style for a couple of hundred pounds which, while it may still seem expensive, is nothing when you consider the saved trips to the hair salon for trims, colours and perms etc.

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