
The Pick Up Artist. Season 2 - Self Help

<p>Season 2 of The Pick Up Artist approaches and the pick up community awaits with baited breath, or does it? </p>

<p>After the excruciatingly staged first series of the program where Mystery PUA and two exceptionally strange looking individuals calling themselves Matador and J Dog schooled eight hapless AFCs on how to deliver canned openers to a series of uninterested girls, The Pick Up Artist is back. As I recall the series ended with two suspiciously good looking finalists, the lucky winner of the prestigious title of 'Master Pick Up Artist' being Kosmo. With a K. </p>

<p>It's hard to know how much the contestants will have learned having been schooled by J Dog, whose keeerazy hairstyle resembles the finished product of a primary school art class, a far cry from the 'rockstar look' he claims on his website. He's also English, and speaking from experience it is not difficult for an English person to get laid in America. You don't need to have tight game, as opening your mouth is usually enough to extract squeals of delight and admiration from American girls.</p>

<p>The next purveyor of Mystery Method craft is Matador, a man for whom the word 'sleazy' may well have been invented for. Dressed in his safety net of all black (maybe he hadn't read Mystery PUA's thoughts on peacocking), Matador spent most of the last series saying very little whilst standing around looking somewhat glum, similar to a spoilt fat child who's been last to be picked for a five-a-side kickabout.</p>

<p>Then of course there is Mystery PUA. I couldn't really tell if he was genuinely supportive of the people he was trying to train, or was simply using the program to boost his now sizable ego. A man who was quite possibly once thoroughly deserving of the title, The Pick Up Artist, was now resting on his laurels of fame and financial security brought to him by The Mystery Method. We saw him do very little in the way of in field demonstration, apart from in the first episode when a girl told him that she loved him, to gasps of amazement from the resident AFCs. </p>

<p>The fact is, the first series taught nothing about pickup, and was just another reality TV show, with any value painstakingly extracted by the powers at be. Is Mystery PUA one of the best pick up artists in the world? At one stage of his life I'm sure he was. Is the Mystery Method still of value? Yes, if taught by the right people. </p>

<p>So what can we expect from the second series? No doubt the contestants will be geekier, and more outrageously socially inadequate, a number of whom will break down in front of the camera at some point, gushing about how Mystery PUA has 'opened their eyes' after they've just introduced themselves to a girl for the first time in their lives. </p>

<p>Perhaps J Dog will shock us all by showing just how absurd a hairstyle can be for a man approaching middle age. Maybe Matador might actually risk drowning in his own hair gel? Who knows? I would say that I've got my sky plus and notebook ready in anticipation of the second series of The Pick Up Artist, but that would be a massive lie.

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