
The PC era after the equipment and all users are closely linked - Business

<p>Second, four big company also agree that view, namely the PC era after various kinds of equipment will encourage and stimulating consumption, therefore, these big companies will apply the launch media products and services, such as books, music, movies, TV series, games and other various can help users better enjoy spare life of products and service. Of course, consumers are also not only use digital media, they also use some more easily consumption of products and service. For example, $79 of the Kindle is not what better reading device, but integration the amazon localization provide products and services. In addition, Fire will also equipped with amazon for tablet computer and to design the site, in order to make it easier for users buy amazon companies have been the actual sales products, including pet food, lawn mower, etc. No matter where the Internet users, whether users when surfing the Internet, amazon's new tablet computer sites can help users transactions.</p>

<p>Moreover, four large companies are valued very much data. Users in the equipment activity in the behavior will produce large amounts of data, so, these big companies began to use the data. For the amazon, apple, Google and Facebook for data is the lifeline of them important. Data not only impelled the new better advertising system development, and the system is also Google and Facebook on, and still can help users to better understand the want to buy products, it is again the amazon and apple want to know. In addition, data also support some new inventions, such as Google's speech recognition system, flow diagram, spell check system, etc, these inventions are based on the scale of the secret customer data tracking basis. The above three views affect each other and interacting with each other.</p>

<p>The PC era after the equipment and all users are closely linked. Just think, users have a home desktop computers, but may not have a home with a Kindle. Readers in the amazon web site reading ebooks need to build a simple account, one can only by a reader to read, this feature is also used in mobile phones and applications. For the four companies, this is a very good thing, because it means that users in the mobile phone, tablet computer or other electronic reader everything possible and user related, whenever the user like or don't like, are likely to produce the corresponding data. Now, apple, Google, amazon and Facebook have bill payment system, Google and amazon recently also launched a bulk order services.</p>

<p>If only four development goal of the company is seen as simply to rob territory and capital, it is probably wrong. Apple, Google, amazon and four companies such as Facebook are firmly convinced that, they all have to enhance the ability not just replace the current products and services. They hope to use the power of the server and software code to simplify every transaction, to provide users with convenient at the same time, again for the company itself to create more profits.</p>

<p>The second quarter: "war" inevitable every company agree that the company needs to rely on hardware, media and data, the three big idea. Such as amazon need a better media tablet computer to promote more consumers to use the Kindle, MP3 and its application store, etc. But, how to avoid the disaster such as HP is a question. Kindle Fire a 7 inch screen cargo, can use amazon's all online services, the retail price of the tablet PC only $199, the price is low, but also has good function, or even apple's iPad compared with similar. Perhaps, apple may think, Kindle Fire function is not good, but if the tablet computer succeed one day, then the user will praise the Kindle Fire natural excellent function.</p>

<p>Google launched his social network service Google + after, the industry will think this is Google to zack bloomberg in the challenge Facebook. Google + "like (like)" button can be seen as production and related data of more user hobby products. Those data perfected the Google search operation rules and other now of the service, but also help Google rolls out new product, so Google self perfect process caused its between Facebook and launched direct competition.</p>

<p>At the beginning of this year, have rumours suggest, zack bloomberg will offer "Facebook mobile phone". Facebook is the apple has the largest online download smart phone iPhone application, but now, Facebook's rivals have launched their own social network products, these social network service may be preempted Facebook users of the part. More surprising is that apple has been in iOS 5 of the Twitter integration service, can let users from any application on a messaging, obviously, this function will contain Facebook mobile service growth. Page now has built his Google +, amazon's Kindle also have their own social network function, this function can put the same book readers joined up. Zack bloomberg need needs to take measures to deal with it, and maintain the user to continue to use Facebook, it's not hard to see, in order to keep the user bloomberg, zack, may also be involved in hardware business.</p>

<p>At present, about the four companies for their own and their strategic plan of news and heard rumors, it is rampant. Of course, if you want to understand their strategic plan, still have to need their hardware, media and data in measures focus on.</p>

<p>The third quarter: profit games in late 2010, Steve jobs suddenly appeared in the apple quarterly earnings conference call. Rumours suggest, Steve jobs is to attend this conference call, main is to celebrate the first quarter apple income reached 20 billion us dollars, but in fact, jobs has been to Android to heart. At that time, Google's free version of this mobile phone operating system is beginning to eating into the iPhone market share, what jobs have been very angry. Therefore jobs also launched against Android, says the system has many defects. In addition, what jobs to launch Android operating system at the tablet computer.</p>

<p>But at the time, Steve jobs did not explain, Android's market share to apple's influence on the DuoDa. According to Nielsen's statistics show that at present about Android smart phone up a share of 40%, and apple iOS in intelligent mobile phone market share only 28%. In fact, although Android will likely account for around 70% of the smartphone market share, but the result of apple's financial status is not materially affect, mainly because the apple iOS equipment from a profit, and Google and other Android phone manufacturers but not so. This may be exactly what apple and other three major differences in between the strategy. Apple don't need through the master of the market share way to win the game and the other company is so, such as using Google search or Facebook user, the more these companies from advertising business in revenues from the more you learn. Amazon also is so, depending on the size of the market, the retail trade is a low interest rate of business, also
depends mainly on the volume.</p>

<p>On the other hand, apple can the sales from every one of the equipment make big profits. Some analysts have estimated that say, apple may benefit from every iPhone 368 dollars. Users might buy $199 worth of iPhone, but that was in the wireless operators to pay the price of apple after subsidies. Instead, the Google in order to gain market share, but keep the cell phone manufacturers of free use Android operating system. Google in completing the acquisition MOTOROLA mobile company after the deal, estimated from each phone is still hard to get income growth, because the MOTOROLA mobile consumer equipment department in the past few quarters has been losing money during, therefore, although Google's market share lead, but apple is from every equipment to make a great profit. According to some analysts expect, apple about half of all profits from smart phones business.</p>


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