
How To Improve Your English Speaking Skills? - Education

<p>English is an international language and millions of people are trying to learn it every day. Some people can speak English well but some people although having studied it for a couple of years still cannot speak English. These tips will help you to improve your speaking skills quickly.</p>

<p>First of all, you will have to start speaking English starting today. In some countries especially in some Asian countries, people try to learn English. However, they have the wrong way of learning the language. They try to put as much grammar into the students' heads as possible. Though their students do very well when they have English tests with all the grammatical points, when they meet a real English speaker, they can't even say a word. Therefore, students have to practice speaking English to each other for their speaking skills to improve.</p>

<p>Secondly, find an English speaking environment to join in. If you are at home and at class, there is no one for you to practice the language with. You had better find a club where everyone speaks English. Don't be shy away because they have a lot of levels and people will be very helpful if you are beginners. You can start talking to them or you can present your ideas in English. Don't be afraid to make mistakes because mastering a language takes time and you have to learn from your mistakes. Learning to speak English is not for those who are shy and don't dare to speak. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you make. Therefore, don't think too much of grammatical points, just speak it out if you have ideas. Follow this and you will find out that your speaking skills will get much better.</p>

<p>Also, start listening English anywhere and anytime you can. Music is good for entertainment and it does help you with the accents of the words or the intonations as well. Watching English movies is also a good idea. You can start watching it with subtitles and then when you get better, you can just watch them without subtitles. However, watching movies is not enough. You should practice repeating them. You can't learn the language until you speak it out. Whatever they say, you can just write it down and repeat at first. Later on when you get better, you can do it just fine without noting down.</p>

<p>The most important thing is to take any chance if possible to talk to the English native speakers. When I was a student, I often went to the coffee shops where there were lots of foreigners just to sit by them and listen to what they said to each other. You can take some jobs which help you to have interaction with foreigners like working in restaurants where foreigners often come or working in a foreign household where you can have many chances to speak English.

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