
Movie Clips for Sermons - Break Up the Monotony of Your Sermon - Spirituality - Religion

<p>Movie clips for sermons are becoming increasingly popular in churches across the world as technology continues to improve. Statistics show that most people forget almost everything they hear in a sermon. When you show short video clips in the middle of your sermon, this tends to break up the monotony of a long speech, and it keeps the congregation from falling asleep!It is very difficult for traditional churches to grasp the concept of showing videos in a Sunday morning church service. Youth pastors are quick to embrace new ideas in a youth group setting, but many of the adults are reluctant to change. If Christians want to welcome new believers into their congregation, they need to be willing to adapt new ideas into their ministries and church services. Movie clips for sermons are one of the ways you can bring new life and energy into the traditional sermon. You may have some people in the congregation who have a hard time paying attention to someone speaking, but they lo
ve to watch movies. Various studies have shown that the average attention span of most people today is less than 20 minutes. This is due to the explosion of media in the last 60 years. The goal of every congregation should be to witness to the unbelievers in the local community, and we need to be willing to meet people where they are to reach them for Christ. One of the biggest challenges for pastors who show short video clips is in trying to find video clips that relate to the sermons they are preaching. Many dramatic scenes from movies are not appropriate to show in churches. Hollywood produces very few movies that are appropriate for family-friendly settings. Trying to find scenes from movies that don't have any cursing, violence, or sexual references is nearly impossible! Even if the younger children are in Sunday school or kids church during the Sunday morning sermon, you still do not want to show these types of video clips in church. Unless you have a lot of active mem
bers in your congregation, it is very difficult to find people in your church that have the skills necessary to produce multimedia videos. Producing a professional video is very time consuming, so you'll have a hard time getting someone in the church to produce a video for you without compensating them for their time.Fortunately, there are many ministries today that are producing movie clips for sermons and other settings that would work perfect for your next message to the congregation. There is a huge demand for family-friendly movies today as families try to find media that is appropriate for their children. Many new alternative Christian media sources are making it easier for parents to monitor what their kids are watching.There are other Christian organizations that produce movie clips for sermons too. These ministries are popping up all over the place as the cost of producing professional videos is dropping quickly. If you want to display movie clips for sermons, then
working with an organization that produces videos for church is a good place to start. </p>

<p>You can find great movie clips for sermons here!</p>

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