
DRTV Best Practices- Should You Use a Celebrity? - Advertising

<p>There are many DRTV best practices; however the one regarding using a celebrity in the infomercial is up in the air. Critics don't believe a celebrity is necessary, while others find customers feel more comfortable with a product when a celebrity promotes it. As to whether or not it is important to a particular product's success, there is no definitive answer. For example, a recognizable celebrity promoting your product is definitely a way to get more visibility. However, is the price paid for the celebrity going to pay off? Also, does the celebrity bring something meaningful to your product that makes sense to viewers or is it just their star quality? There are many things to consider when it comes to whether or not you should use a celebrity in your direct response marketing campaign. </p>

<p>Before you consider celebrities look at your product and make sure using a celebrity to promote it is the right decision. Then, come up with a list of celebrities that relate to your product in some way. For example, if you are promoting a kitchen product then find a celebrity known for their cooking or work in the kitchen. Having a celebrity like Martha Stewart or Paula Deen promote your kitchen related product is an easy way to gain recognition and consumer confidence. Even though Brad Pitt is amazingly famous, you probably don't want him promoting your kitchen products unless you think his presence will keep women viewing the infomercial!</p>

<p>There are many things to think about before deciding to use a celebrity and once you decide to go that route then finding the right celebrity may be a challenge. Keep in mind, though, that if the celebrity that will enhance your product the most is not available then you may want to forego the celebrity component altogether. Remember, too, that a celebrity on his/her own with your product does not result in a win/win situation. You still need an outstanding script that your celebrity can follow that will allow them demonstrate the product out in its best light. </p>

<p>It may take time and effort to find the right celebrity, but once you do make sure the script fits the celebrity's personality. The last thing you want is for your infomercial to appear dull or fake because the script does not flow well. When you are considering DRTV best practices this is an important one to keep in mind. </p>

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