
Rihanna Expanding into Movies

If 50 Cent is going to expand into movies, why can’t Rihanna? Rihanna has been cast in her first feature film role.

Rihanna will be appearing in Battleship, a film adaptation of the popular board game. She plays a tough Navy sailor who helps protect the world from invading aliens.

“We worked with real military people, you know, people in the Navy, people who have fought in Iraq before,” she told UGO.com in a long interview about the film. “They pretty much came and drilled me. This one man, Donald, he pretty much drilled me, yelled at me, cursed me, ‘Ow!’ Made me do pushups.”

However, Rihanna stayed with the training.

“I really want to say, ‘F*ck you’ right back, but then he probably would have thrown me through the window!” she joked. “I was so scared I just stood there and looked at him like, ‘I swear I’m going to get it right, I swear, I swear, I swear I’ll be good.’”

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Lady Gaga To Play Amy Winehouse?

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Lady Gaga idolized Amy Winehouse and a source now claims Gaga is thinking about playing Winehouse in an upcoming biopic.

UK’s Daily Star reports a source close to Lady Gaga says “Lady Gaga worshipped Amy and would love nothing more than to transform herself into her idol on the big screen. She’d be spot on performing Amy’s songs and has got the right look and bolshy attitude.”

The source added: “Gaga’s management team had been discussing possible film ventures before Amy’s untimely death. But there’s only ever been one role she wants and that’s to play Amy.”

Gaga is a serious Winehouse fan. Right after her death, Gaga tweeted ”I am just so devastated and so sad. I really could not speak for 48 hours straight; I was in such shock. She was the most lovely and nice and kind woman.”

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Wynter Gordon talks Dirty about Skype Sex and True Blood

You are here: Home » Music » Hip Hop/Rap » Wynter Gordon talks Dirty about Skype Sex and True Blood Wynter Gordon has awesome boots

If Wynter Gordon were to die tomorrow, she says she’d be remembered for her single “Dirty Talk,” which she admits isn’t the kind of personal song she normally writes. She took a walk with us through Chinatown and told us all about from where she draws her creative inspiration, the troubles of holding a relationship while touring, and True Blood

Also she wore an metallic electric blue bodysuit. Count the bewildered stares from pedestrians, I dare you.

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Goldie Hawn and 50 Cent Buddies

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It seems like an unlikely lunch date, but we have photo evidence that Goldie Hawn had lunch with 50 Cent.

50 posted a picture of him and Goldie during their lunch yesterday. With the pic he said, “I had lunch with Goldie Hawn she is complete sweetheart.”

The Urban Daily’s theory on this lunch was 50's desire to grow his acting career. 50 has made it clear he wants to take acting seriously, and who better to advise him then Hollywood royalty like Goldie Hawn.

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Pill Portrait of Amy Winehouse

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This is a pretty accurate depiction of Amy Winehouse. L.A. artist Jason Mecier  has created an Amy Winehouse portrait completely out of 5000 pills.

Amy had battled with eating disorders and drugs since 2006, making the pills an appropriate choice for her portrait.

This portrait is one of a series of celebrity mosaics created  by Jason Mecier.

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Demi Lovato Announces Album Title via Facebook and Twitter

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The Game Pranks Sheriff’s Department

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You are here: Home » Music » Hip Hop/Rap » The Game Pranks Sheriff’s Department

The Game claims this was an accident, but it just sounds like he was being a douche. The Game may face criminal charges after he tweeted a possible internship, and gave the local Sheriff Department’s phone number as the contact.

This understandably caused the Sheriff’s phone lines to become clogged, compromising public safety. Most people hung up once they realized it was the police, while others tried to inquire about the opportunity, reports TMZ.

The police finally found out about The Game’s tweet, and Sheriff’s Capt. Mike Parker tweeted at him. The Game also responded.

The cops are now trying to charge the rapper, and rightfully so. This wasn’t an accident  - The Game was just trying to be a prick.

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Cheating Website Wants Lindsay Lohan

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Lindsay Lohan needs a job, and the good people at Cheaterville.com want to help, according to HollyScoop.com.

The website’s purpose is to help lovers identify if their spouses or potential mates are cheating, or if they have any current relationships.

Cheaterville boss James A. McGibney writes, “I’m extending this offer not only because we are huge fans, but because we would like to help bring your image into a better light.”

Lindsay – some work is better than no work. Think about it.

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Queen Latifah and Snooki Join ‘Dancing with the Stars’

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For all you Dancing with the Stars fans Queen Latifah and Snooki have signed on for the next season, reports TMZ.

Rumors are also surfacing that Tiffani Thiessen will join.

We can’t wait for Snooki to fall flat on her ass during the competitions. She doesn’t look to be that coordinated. However she is amazing at keeping her balance when really drunk, so who knows…

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Justin Bieber Should Pen His Own Music

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At least that’s what Will.i.am says. The Black Eyed Peas member is encouraging Bieber to take charge of his career and write his own music.

He tells Los Angeles DJ Ryan Seacrest, “I want to get Justin Bieber into writing his own music and producing his own songs…”

“Justin as an artist has to fight. Michael Jackson fought, Prince fought, the ones that stood around for a long time are the ones that are always fighting for something.”

Will.i.am is producing Bieber’s next album, and he is encouraging the young pop star to get involved with all aspects of his career.

He adds, “He’s gonna hurt. He’s going to go through relationship drama… We know the ones that get comfortable and then their career is short, ‘Oh I remember that one song he had, that was cool.’”

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Fabulous Movie Star Photos - How Are They Created?

<p>Some people say that the golden age of Hollywood was during the 1940s and 50s, while others like to go back even earlier. The truth is that Hollywood cranks out golden ages each decade with new inovations and new stars. The only constant within Hollywood comes in the form of celebrity and the publics desire to know that celebrity.</p>
<p>The 30s faced the Talkies and the growth of the studio system; the 40s saw the beginnings of Film Noir; in the 50s epic films came into fashion while Hollywood met the competition of television. The Hollywood studio system as it had been known ended in the 60s and the era of underground, independant cinema was born. Some have called the 70s "the last golden age" with the American "new wave," but it was also the decade given credit for the "blockbuster" film. Teen-oriented films were king (and queen) during the 80s which also saw the birth of the sequel.</p>
<p>Finally the 90s watched as computer-generated films took the stage at the same time "indie" cinema became a household word. The 90s also witnessed the increase of remakes, re-releases and even more sequels as Hollywood fought for its piece of the newly created digital pie.</p>
<p>Throughout all these decades the constant was the image, those movie star photos that we know and love. And just as film styles had changed over the decades the movie still has also seen growth. The perfect poses of the 30s, 40s and 50s faced the turbulent 60s, 70s and 80s and the birth of the hated and loved; paparazzi.</p>


The Statutory Right of Publicity for Deceased Celebrities in California and the Impact of Sb 771

<p><strong>Creation of the Right of Publicity in California</strong></p> <p>The €right of publicity€ is generally defined as the right to control or prevent the unauthorized use or commercial exploitation of one€s name, likeness, voice or €personality.€[1] The right of publicity evolved from the right of privacy, which itself has evolved dramatically over more than a century. In 1890, Samuel D. Warren and Louis D. Brandeis published a seminal article in the <strong>Harvard Law Review</strong> entitled The Right to Privacy,[2] in which they argued for a remedy for those injured by unauthorized public disclosure of truthful but embarrassing private facts.[3]</p> <p>By the mid 1900€s, some courts and state legislatures had adopted some elements of the Brandeis-Warren theory. However, the question arose as to how to apply these rights to celebrities who had voluntarily and affirmatively sought the spotlight.</p> <p>Second Circuit Judge Jerome Frank answered that question in 1953
when he coined the term €right of publicity€ in the case of Haelan Laboratories Inc. v. Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. [4] The Haelan case asked whether a baseball player could assign exclusive rights to produce a card with his photograph on it to one single baseball card manufacturer.[5] The court determined that prominent persons do possess a €right of publicity€[6] which was an assignable interest, unlike the strictly personal € and therefore non-assignable -- right to privacy.[7]</p> <p>Judge Frank€s opinion was followed by a prominent article by Professor Melville B. Nimmer that analyzed the right to publicity as an assignable property right.[8] Nimmer explained that a mere right to privacy did not sufficiently address the issues unique to celebrities; while the right to privacy protected individuals from indignity and embarrassment, the right to publicity dealt with a celebrity€s ability (and, theoretically, anyone€s ability) to protect the commercial value of his or her imag
e and identity.[9]</p> <p>California first codified the right of publicity in 1971, when the California legislature enacted Civil Code section 3344, which enables recovery by any living person whose name, photograph, or likeness has been used for commercial purposes without his or her consent.[10] California courts have recognized both the statutory and the common law right of publicity. [11]</p> <p>However, both the common law and statutory rights of privacy were only available to living plaintiffs; the right was not freely descendible and thus expired by operation of law upon the death of the person claiming the right.[12] This very issue lay at the heart of two seminal companion cases decided in 1979: Lugosi v. Universal Pictures[13] and Guglielmi v. Spelling-Goldberg Productions.[14] In those cases, the California Supreme Court determined that the heirs of deceased celebrities had no statutory protections against posthumous exploitation of the celebrity€s image.</p> <p>I
n Lugosi, the heirs of actor Bela Lugosi (best known for playing the title role in the 1930 movie, €Dracula€) sued to enjoin and recover profits from Universal Pictures for licensing Lugosi€s name and image on merchandise.[15] The California Supreme Court upheld the decision of appellate court in finding that the right to exploit one€s name and likeness is personal and must be exercised, if at all, by him during his lifetime.[16]</p> <p>Similarly, in Guglielmi, the California Supreme Court cited to and relied upon its opinion Lugosi in holding that Rudolph Valentino€s heirs could not obtain an injunction or damages from the defendant because Valentino€s right of publicity was not descendible under California law.[17] Because Valentino had not exploited his name and likeness during his lifetime, others could now use it without liability to Valentino€s heirs.[18]</p> <p>Courts outside of California honored the Lugosi and Guglielmi decisions as well in applying California law.
In Groucho Marx Productions, Inc. v. Day and Night Company, Inc.[19], the Second Circuit held that the rights of publicity were not descendible under California law. In that case, the Marx Brothers€ assignees sued a production company for interference with the assignees€ publicity rights; the production company incorporated three characters that strongly resembled the Marx Brothers in its Broadway musical, €A Day in Hollywood/ a night in the Ukraine.€ The federal district court in New York had applied New York law, determining that New York recognized a descendible right to publicity and granting summary judgment to the plaintiffs.[20] The Second Circuit, however, reversed that decision, holding that the descendibility issue was governed by California law and as a result, the plaintiffs had no right to relief.[21]</p> <p><strong>Legislating a Post-Mortem Right of Publicity</strong></p> <p>The holdings in Lugosi and Guglielmi precipitated legislation designed specifically to
create a statutory descendible right to publicity. In 1984, the California legislature enacted Civil Code section 990 (renumbered as section 3344.1 in 1999), creating a post-mortem right of publicity for €deceased personalities,€ € individuals whose names, voices, signatures, photographs, or likenesses had commercial value as of the time of their death.[22] This legislation became effective January 1, 1985.</p> <p>Section 990 explicitly stated that the right of publicity is a property right, €freely transferable, in whole or in part, by contract or by means of trust or testamentary documents€ whether that transfer occurs before, by or after death of the personality.[23] The statute held that absent an explicit transfer of this right, it automatically goes to the statutory/ intestate heirs of the deceased (spouse, children, parents).[24] If the celebrity fails to transfer the right explicitly and dies without any statutory heirs, the right of publicity terminates.[25] Otherwi
se, the extended right of publicity would expire 50 years after the death of the deceased personality.[26]</p> <p>In an attempt to maximally preserve First Amendment protections for creative outlets, the new statutory provision exempted from liability plays, books, magazines, newspapers, musical compositions, films, and radio and television shows that used a deceased celebrity€s likeness, name, voice, etc.[27]</p> <p>The registered owner of the posthumous rights to The Three Stooges comedy act relied on section 990 to obtain damages against an artist who reproduced his charcoal drawings of the act on lithographs and t-shirts.[28] The artist had claimed that his artwork was creative and transformative enough to warrant First Amendment protection against the plaintiff€s right of publicity claim, just like the specifically listed exemptions in the statute. The court agreed that when a work of art is so transformative that the value of the work derives primarily from the skill a
nd creativity of the artist rather than from the fame of the celebrity depicted, the work may be protected by the First Amendment.[29] However, the court determined that Saderup€s depictions were more literal than transformative -- a clear attempt merely to exploit the Three Stooges€ fame -- and therefore First Amendment protection did not apply.[30] If Saderup wanted to continue to use these images, he needed to obtain the consent of the right of publicity holder.</p> <p>However, that same list of exempt uses in section 990 posed new problems, exemplified in two main cases:</p> <p>In Joplin Enterprises v. Allen,[31] a federal district court applied section 990 to find that a two-act biographical play about deceased singer Janis Joplin was not actionable. Joplin€s devisees alleged that the play constituted copyright infringement as well as misappropriate of Joplin€s privacy and publicity rights.[32] The court determined that section 990 applied only to unauthorized €merchand
ise, advertisements and endorsements,€ and it explicitly exempted plays from liability.[33]</p> <p>The Ninth Circuit similarly exempted an instructional dance video from liability under section 990 in Astaire v. Best Film & Video Corp.[34] In Astaire, the widow of famed dancer Fred Astaire sued a videotape manufacturer for using Fred Astaire€s image in a series of dance instructional videotapes € each tape opened with about 90 seconds of footage of Astaire. Mrs. Astaire claimed the company violated her statutory right to control the use of her husband€s name and likeness under section 990.[35]</p> <p>The Central District of California agreed with Mrs. Astaire, finding that the company used Astaire€s image €on or in products, merchandise, or goods€ in violation of the statute.[36] But the circuit court reversed and remanded, finding that the pre-recorded videotapes fell into the €film€ exemption of section 990(n).[37] Indeed, the court determined that the film exemption appli
ed even if the use was an advertisement or commercial announcement.[38]</p> <p><strong>The Astaire Amendment: Deleting exempt uses </strong></p> <p>After losing her difficult and expensive lawsuit, Mrs. Astaire teamed up with the Screen Actors Guild to sponsor legislation that would clarify and expand the post-mortem right of publicity. That bill, SB 209, passed in 1999 and became known as the €Astaire Celebrity Image Protection Act.€</p> <p>Most significantly, the Astaire Amendment eliminated the list of exempt uses of deceased celebrity likenesses, thereby substantially increasing the types of uses for which consent of the celebrity€s heirs is required. The bill also extended the descendible right of publicity from 50 years to 70 years following the celebrity€s death.[39]</p> <p>Despite these amendments to clarify and expand the descendible posthumous right of publicity, there remained a gap in the law that was revealed by two similar cases regarding the posthumous rights
of Marilyn Monroe: Milton H. Greene Archives, Inc. v. CMG Worldwide, Inc.[40] and Shaw Family Archives, Ltd. v. CMG Worldwide, Inc.[41] (collectively, the €Monroe cases€). When Marilyn Monroe died, she left the residue of her estate to her acting coach, Lee Strasburg, who, upon his death, left most of his estate to his wife, Anna Strasberg.[42] Anna Strasberg then transferred her interest in Monroe€s estate to Marilyn Monroe LLC, who licensed CMG Worldwide, Inc. to use Monroe€s images and likenesses.[43] In these two actions, CMG sued other parties for their unauthorized use of Monroe€s image.</p> <p>In the Monroe cases, both courts interpreted section 3344.1 as prohibiting publicity rights from passing by will if the personality died prior to January 1, 1985.[44] In other words, the statutory descendible right of publicity did not exist when Monroe died, so, by operation of law, it could not have been a property right that she possessed upon death.[45] Because Monroe did no
t own this property right at the time of her death, she could not have transferred it in the residuary clause in her will.[46] Moreover, even if Monroe did possess the right, section 3344.1 only enables transfers to statutory heirs € Monroe had no statutory heirs, so her right would terminate in any event.[47] Both courts ruled against CMG on summary judgment.</p> <p>The holdings in the Monroe cases had unsettling implications. Many deceased celebrities and their devisees left or transferred residual estates to charitable organizations, which relied in part on their ability to license the famous images for fundraising purposes. The Monroe holdings effectively removed from these organizations many rights they had relied upon. Reflecting these concerns, the federal district court for the Central District of California wrote:</p> <p>The court reaches this conclusion with some reluctance because € at least some personalities who died before passage of the California € right of p
ublicity statute[] left their residuary estates to charities, which will be €divested€ of those rights under the court€s holding€ As noted, however, nothing in this order prevents legislatures from enacting right of publicity statutes so as to vest the right of publicity directly in the residuary beneficiaries of deceased personalities€ estates or their successors-in-interest.[48]</p> <p><strong>The 771 Amendment: Enabling retroactive transfers to residual estates</strong></p> <p>The California legislature wasted no time following the suggestion of the Milton H. Greene court. Merely six weeks after that opinion was published, State Senator (and former child actor) Sheila Kuehl[49] fast-tracked through the legislature[50] Senate Bill 771, designed specifically to clarify the scope of Cal. Civil Code section 3344.1 and to abrogate the decisions in the Monroe cases.[51]</p> <p>The somewhat controversial SB 771 accomplished several goals. First, it explicitly stated that a decea
sed celebrity€s right of publicity applies to individuals whether or not they died before January 1, 1985.[52] The amendment deems, retroactively, that a deceased celebrity€s right of publicity existed and was transferable even if they died before the enactment of section 3344.1.[53] In the event the celebrity did not expressly transfer this right (and why would they, if they didn€t know it existed?), the right became part of the deceased personality€s residual estate and was transferred to whomever received those assets.[54] The resulting owner of that right has 70 years from the date of the celebrity€s death to control use of the celebrity€s image for commercial purposes.[55]</p> <p>Despite the efforts to get SB 771 drafted and passed quickly, it still did not help CMG Worldwide and Marilyn Monroe LLC (€MMLLC€). On November 21, 2007, armed with the newly-passed SB 771, CMG and MMLLC filed a motion for reconsideration in the Milton H. Greene case, which the federal district
court granted.[56] The court agreed that, due to the passage of SB 771, CMG and MMLLC did have standing to assert Monroe€s posthumous right of publicity under California law.[57] However, after a detailed analysis, the court determined that Monroe was domiciled in New York, not California, at the time of her death.[58] Because New York did not recognize either a common law or statutory posthumous right of publicity in 1962 and because, unlike California, New York has not passed a statute to recognize such rights retroactively, Monroe did not possess the right to publicity when she died and therefore could not have transferred it in her will.[59]</p> <p><strong>Right of Publicity Laws in Other States</strong></p> <p>Though the right of publicity is derived from the Constitutional notion of the right of privacy, it is created and enforced via state laws. At least nineteen states have developed and passed a statutory right of publicity[60]; not all of them treat the right as d
escendible.[61] At least eleven other states only recognize a common law right to publicity.[62] The American Law Institute€s Third Restatement of Unfair Competition (1995), section 46, also recognizes the right of publicity as a separate legal theory.</p> <p>The state of Indiana actually has the most comprehensive right of publicity statute on the books.[63] Enacted in 1994, Indiana€s law protects a deceased individual€s right of publicity for 100 years after his death and includes protections for the celebrity€s signature, photograph and gestures, as well as the more typical name, image and likeness.[64] Otherwise, Indiana€s law is similar to Cal. Civil Code section 3344.1.</p> <p>New York, on the other hand, gives celebrities a statutory claim against the use of only their €name, portrait, or picture€. for advertising purposes or for the purposes of trade.€[65] New York Senator Martin Golden and Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein presented SB 6005/ Assembly Bill A08836[66] to
the New York Legislature. While early attempts were made to rush that bill through the New York legislature, the bill was halted, apparently due to concerns that it is overly broad in nature, posing potential conflicts with Constitutional rights and other rights.[67]</p> <p><strong>Potential Negative Implications of SB 771</strong></p> <p>The New York legislature€s hesitancy to rush right into endorsement of its bill -- the identical twin to California€s SB 771 -- reflects some of the real concerns about and potential problems resulting from SB 771.</p> <p>Because SB 771 is retroactive in nature, it may grant rights to some people retroactively while taking away from others rights that they had relied upon by entering into contracts and otherwise lawfully exploiting certain images.[68] As a result, this area is certainly ripe for testing, with the strong possibility of some untenable judicial results and, subsequently, more statutory amendments.</p> <p>The statute attempts
to preempt some future litigation by including this condition: If a statutory heir[69] exercised his or her rights to exploit a deceased celebrity€s likeness before May 1, 2007, and that exercise was not challenged successfully in court by a transferee of the celebrity€s residual estate, the residual estate transferees cannot use SB 771 to now come back and claim that right to publicity.[70] In fact, in this factual scenario, the residual estate is forever barred from claiming the right of publicity, which remains with the statutory heirs throughout the statutory period.[71]</p> <p>However, that statutory provision does not address what will certainly be the more common situation € when the transferees of a celebrity€s residual estate file suit for damages and an injunction against a person or company that lawfully used that celebrity€s image or likeness for commercial purposes long before enactment of SB 771. Due to the retroactive nature of SB 771, the residual estate coul
d theoretically reach back many years and disgorge substantial profits from an entity whose use had been legal throughout that time, as well as permanently enjoin future use by an entity who may have built an entire brand around the use.</p> <p>Because the right to publicity differs so dramatically from state to state, and because there is so much overlap between right to publicity issues and issues dealing with trademark and copyright law, First Amendment protections, and other laws, several groups are pressing for Congressional enactment of a federal right to publicity law. The proposal by the International Trademark Association, for example, would amend the Lanham Act to add a federal right of publicity that would specifically preempt all state law, both statutory and common law.[72]</p> <p>The INTA€s proposed federal law does include a descendible and transferable right of publicity effective for a period of time after a celebrity€s death.[73] However, it also includes a
provision that the California€s law lacks € a €grandfather clause€ that protects the rights of prior users.[74]</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong></p> <p>Undoubtedly, California€s right of publicity statute remains on the frontlines of the evolution of this legal concept. As home to an abundance of celebrity€s, California€s statute is frequently tested and amended when those tests reveal a gap in the law. Senate Bill 771 represents only the latest step in the evolution, but it probably goes too far, creating more legal problems than it may solve.</p> <p>As a result, SB 771 certainly will not be the last word on California€s statutory descendible right of publicity. Whether ultimately preempted by a new federal law or not, the California statute will need to address the rights of prior users who acted in reliance on their pre-SB 771 rights and are harmed as a result of this retroactive bill. Future litigation on this very issue, likely followed by yet another legislative ame
ndment, is predictable.</p> <p>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>[1] See, e.g., Miller v. Glenn Miller Prod., Inc., 454 F.3d 975, 99. 988-989, n.6 (9th Cir. 2006).</p> <p>[2] Samuel D. Warren and Louis D. Brandeis, <strong>The Right to Privacy</strong>, 4 Harv. L. Rev. 193 (1890).</p> <p>[3] Id. at 213.</p> <p>[4] 202 F.2d 866, 868 (2nd Cir. 1953).</p> <p>[5] Id. at 867.</p> <p>[6] 202 F.2d at 868.</p> <p>[7] Id. at 868-869.</p> <p>[8] Melville B. Nimmer, <strong>The Right of Publicity</strong>, 19 Law & Contemp. Probs. 203 (1954).</p> <p>[9] Id. at 203-04.</p> <p>[10] Cal. Civil Code. Section 3344(a). The statute exempts from liability uses made in connection with news, public affairs, sports broadcasts or accounts, and political campaigns. Cal Civil Code, section 3344(d).</p> <p>[11] Miller v. Glenn Miller Prod., Inc., 454 F,3d 975, 988-89, n.6 (9th Cir. 2006).</p> <p>[12] Lugosi v. Universal Pictures, 25 Cal. 3d 813, 8
20-822 (1979).</p> <p>[13] Lugosi, supra.</p> <p>[14] 25 Cal. 3d 860 (Cal. 1979).</p> <p>[15] Lugosi, 25 Cal. 3d at 817.</p> <p>[16] Id. at 822-823.</p> <p>[17] 25 Cal. 3d at 864.</p> <p>[18] The implication is clear that had Lugosi and Valentino actually contracted with the defendants regarding use of their likenesses during their lifetimes, the heirs would have the right to enforce those contracts posthumously. In these cases, however the defendants were using the images without the benefit of a contract that related to use of the images.</p> <p>[19] 689 F.2d 317 (2d Cir. 1982).</p> <p>[20] 689 F.2d at 319.</p> <p>[21] Id. at 323.</p> <p>[22] Cal. Civil Code section 3344.1(h).</p> <p>[23] (Former) Cal. Civil Code section 990(b) (now amended and renumbered)</p> <p>[24] Id. at 990(d).</p> <p>[25] Id. at 990(e).</p> <p>[26] Id. at 990(g).</p> <p>[27] Id. at 990(n).</p> <p>[28] Comedy III Productions Inc. v. Gary Saderup, Inc., 25 Cal. 4th 387 (2001).</p> <p>[29] 25 Cal. 4th a
t 407.</p> <p>[30] Id. at 409.</p> <p>[31] 795 F. Supp. 349 (W.D. Wash. 1992).</p> <p>[32] Id. at 350.</p> <p>[33] Id. at 351.</p> <p>[34] 116 F.3d 1297 (9th Cir. 1997), as amended by 136 F. 3d 1208 (9th Cir. 1998).</p> <p>[35] 116 F.3d at 1299.</p> <p>[36] Id. at 1300.</p> <p>[37] Id. at 1301-1302.</p> <p>[38] Id. at 1302.</p> <p>[39] Cal. Civil Code section 3344.1(g).</p> <p>[40] Milton H. Greene Archives, Inc. v. CMG Worldwide, Inc. (unreported), (No. CV-05-02200MMM), 2008 WL 655604 (C.D. Cal. Jan. 7, 2008), summary judgment affirmed by Milton H. Greene Archives v. CMG Worldwide, Inc., ___ F. Supp. ___. 2008 WL 1922980, No. CV 05-2200 MMM (C.D. Cal. March 17, 2008).</p> <p>[41] 486 F. Supp. 2d 309 (SDNY 2007).</p> <p>[42] Shaw, 486 F. Supp. at 312.</p> <p>[43] Id.</p> <p>[44] Id. at 317; Milton H. Greene, 2008 WL 655604, at *1.</p> <p>[45] Shaw at 319; Milton H. Greene, 2008 WL 655604, at *1.</p> <p>[46] Shaw at 319.</p> <p>[47] Shaw at 319; Milton H. Greene, 2008 WL 6556
04, at *1-2.</p> <p>[48] Milton H. Greene court€s May 14, 2007 Order granting summary judgment in favor of plaintiffs, at 36:15-20, n.38 and n.80.</p> <p>[49] The bill was drafted and sponsored by the Screen Actors Guild at the urging of CMG. It received strong support from the Cecil B. DeMille Foundation, the Marilyn Monroe LLC, the Motion Picture and Television Fund, [John] Wayne Enterprises and the California Labor Federation.</p> <p>[50] The bill passed through the California legislature on September 7, 2007 and was signed into law by governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on October 10, 2007. It took effect January 1, 2008.</p> <p>[51] Section 2 of Stats. 2007, c. 439 (S.B. 771).</p> <p>[52] Cal. Civil Code section 3344.1(b).</p> <p>[53] Id.</p> <p>[54] Id.</p> <p>[55] Cal. Civil Code section 3344.1(g).</p> <p>[56] Milton H. Greene Archives v. CMG Worldwide, Inc., ___ F. Supp. ___. 2008 WL 1922980, No. CV 05-2200 MMM (C.D. Cal. March 17, 2008).</p> <p>[57] ____ F. Supp. at ____
; 2008 WL 1922980 at *3.</p> <p>[58] More specifically, the court found that authorized representatives of Monroe€s estate had repeatedly represented in various forums that Monroe was a resident of New York, not California, and was only in California temporarily for work, with no intent to remain in California. The court performed a lengthy and detailed analysis to determine that CMG was barred by judicial estoppel from asserting that Monroe was domiciled in California and therefore possessed a right of publicity under California laws. 2008 WL 1922980, at *33 - *34.</p> <p>[59] Id. at *3.</p> <p>[60] These 19 are: California (Cal. Civ. Code section 3344 and 3344.1), Florida (Florida Stat. section 540.08), Illinois (Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 765 section 1075/1 et seq.), Indiana (Ind. Code section 32-36-1 et seq.), Kentucky (Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. Section 391.170), Massachusetts (Mass. Gen. L., ch. 214 section 3A), Nebraska (Neb. Rev. Stats. Section 20-202), Nevada (Nev. Rev. Stat. sec
tions 597.770 - 597.810), New York (N.Y. Civil Rights Law sections 50, 51), Ohio (Ohio Rev. Code Ann. Sections 2741.01 et seq.), Oklahoma (Ok. Stat., Title 12, sections 1448 and 1449), Pennsylvania (Pa. Cons. Stat. Title 42, section 8316), Rhode Island (R.I. Gen. Laws sections 9-1-28 and 9-1-28.1(a)(2)), Tennessee (Tenn. Code Ann sections 47-25-1102 to 47-25-1107), Texas (Texas Prop. Code Ann. Section 26.001 et seq.), Utah (Utah Code Ann. section 45-3-1 et seq.), Virginia (Va. Code section 8.01-40), Washington (Wash. Rev. Code Ann. 63.60-010 et seq.) and Wisconsin (Wisc. Stat. section 895.50(2)(b)).</p> <p>[61] The following states€ right of publicity statutes do not appear to grant rights after death: Massachusetts, Nebraska, New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Wisconsin.</p> <p>[62] They are: Alabama, Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, and Oregon.</p> <p>[63] Ind. Code. Ann. Sections 32-36-1 et seq.</p> <p>[
64] Id. at 32-36-1-7 and 32-36-1-8(a).</p> <p>[65] N.Y. Civ. Rights Law sections 50 and 51 (McKinney 2007).</p> <p>[66] The New York bill is essentially identical to California€s SB 771. Like SB 771, it was introduced immediately after publication of the Monroe decisions and was similarly backed by CMG. There were rumors that CMG had hired a lobbyist specifically to assist the bill€s expedition.</p> <p>[67] €Marilyn Monroe Historic Legislation Halted € Surprise to CMG and MMLLC€, PR-inside.com, June 25, 2007, located at http://www.pr-inside-com/marilyn-monroe-historic-legislation-halted-r161341.htm#.</p> <p>[68]David Marcus, attorney for the Shaw Family Archives, claims (without specificity) that SB 771 conflicts with California laws relating to wills and estates. New York intellectual property attorney Nancy Wolff asserts that the California legislature violated its own procedural rules when it rushed SB 771 through. (€California Adopts New Right of Publicity Law,€ pdnonlin
e.com, October 12, 2007 (located at http://www.pdnonline.com/pdn/newswire/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003658099). If either or both of these assertions are true, they would provide additional grounds for legal challenges to SB 771.</p> <p>[69] Other than someone who was specifically disinherited by the deceased personality. Cal. Civil Code section 3344.1(o).</p> <p>[70] Id.</p> <p>[71] Id.</p> <p>[72] See the INTA€s Adopted Resolution on the Federal Right of Publicity at http://www.inta.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=285&Itemid=153&getcontent=3.</p> <p>[73] Id.</p> <p>[74] Id.<br /></p>


Why do actors, use a professional London casting photographer for their portfolio photos?

<p>If you are a new kid on the block and are pining for your dream role, enhance your portfolio by getting your snaps clicked by a casting photographer. Choose a professional photographer as he can bring €you€ out in the most distinctive way. Any actor needs a catchy <strong>headshot </strong>to easily sail through the first round of auditions. Only a professionally clicked portfolio can help you achieve this!</p> <p>A <strong>portfolio </strong>best represents an actor, and good photographers try to bring out and enhance his most impressive qualities that jump out from the snapshot and arrest the casting director€s attention.</p> <p>While selecting a newcomer for any important role, a director has to choose only one photograph from a heap of 100s. So, if your headshot is clicked just as the director wants it to be, you have a fair chance of winning the role. As against an amateur <strong>photographer</strong>, a professional knows how to shoot the actor for the kind of perso
nality he has, and the kind of role he wants. A pro at his job, he can make the look arresting and natural and click like a movie shot. Thus making you stand out of the heap!</p> <p>However, most wanna-be-movie stars are confused about the roles they want to play and end up messing their portfolio. If you want to play a Meryl Streep genre role, but look like Anne Hathaway, you will, nothing but land in a soup! So at the first go decide the roles that suit you best - a cool mom, young dad, seasoned cop, psychopath, journalist, lawyer and so on. Discuss this with your photographer, so that he can work on your looks and deliver you the kind portfolio you always wanted to.</p> <p>You can also get colored or black and white head shots. These can be shot in the studio or any other location in <strong>London</strong>. The studio sessions provide with studio lights or natural light depending on the kind of look you are vying for. Help of a hair stylist and a make-up artist can be av
ailed. Clothes should be changed often to see what brings out your X-factor. Go for simple clothes that have few patterns and designs so that the focus remains on you. It is important to choose an uncomplicated background which is least distracting. Along with this, a few photographs from the portfolio can be retouched to give you an extra edge.</p> <p>Good photographers generally use digital cameras for the shoot. This gives <strong>celebrities </strong>a chance to see the snaps before they are developed. So if you are looking for the satisfaction and mental peace, choose a photographer cautiously. Check the credentials of the photographer, ask for references, and take recommendation from friends and other actors. CHOOSE INTELLIGENTLY!</p> <p>Sounds Interesting? But worried about the sky-rocketing prices? No problem. There are a variety of photographers to choose from, and their prices also vary. Paying a little extra for a professionally done ensemble of photographs<strong
> </strong>goes a long way in opening up the right doors for actors<strong> </strong>who want to be celebrities, and celebrities<strong> </strong>who want to be actors. Choose experienced photographers who are aware of the tricks of the trade, as first impression, indeed, is the last impression!</p>


Stephen Hawking bashes religion, but what does new paper say about God?

Physicist Stephen Hawking has accustomed adoration a catholic thumbs-down, calling the abstraction of heaven "a bogie story" in a contempo interview. But advisers say acceptance can accept assessable cerebral benefits. 

Case in point: A cardboard appear in the Journal of Clinical Psychology indicates that bodies who accept in a benevolent God are beneath agitated by the vagaries of activity than those who accept in a celestial that is aloof or punitive.

The paper was based on two recent studies. The first, which involved 332 Christians and Jews, showed that those who trusted in God to look out for them worry less and are more tolerant of uncertainty than those who mistrusted God.

The second study involved 125 Jews who participated in a two-week audio-video program aimed at increasing their trust in God. It showed that those who participated reported significant decreases in worry and psychological stress.

"We found that the positive beliefs of trust in God were associated with less worry and that this relationship was partially mediated by lower levels of intolerance of uncertainty," the authors of the study - including Harvard-affiliated psychologist Dr. David Rosmarin - said in a written statement. "Conversely, the negative beliefs of mistrust in God correlated with higher worry and intolerance."

The paper noted that studies have shown that 93 percent of people believe in God or a higher power and that 50 percent say that religion is important to them. Hawking, whose long battle with a deadly neurological disease has left him withered and wheelchair-bound, certainly isn't one of them.

"I have lived with the prospect of an early death for the last 49 years," he told the Guardian, adding, "I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."


Desperate Housewives' stars talk show's end, drop hints

The aforementioned day that ABC clearly appear that the long-running hit "Desperate Housewives" was catastrophe afterwards division eight, several stars from the alternation abounding the network's affair at the Television Critics Association's summertime columnist bout in Los Angeles to allotment their reactions and hopes for the final year

"Bob Daily and George Perkins and Sabrina Wind -- who are all producers -- came and made an announcement on the set (on Friday). It was lightening!" said Felicity Huffman, who plays Lynette Scavo. "They told me like it was a state secret, like I would get killed if I told anyone."

"It felt like they could’ve milked a few more years out of it," said James Denton, who plays Mike Delfino. "It’s hard for me to be anything but grateful. I never would’ve left this show, so I’m glad I’m being forced to leave."

Brenda Strong, who plays Mary Alice Young, said she was not completely surprised by the news of the series' end. "We knew it was going to be either season eight or season nine because we had negotiated for both," she said. "I was disappointed certainly, but I wasn’t that surprised, just because I knew it was going to have to end sometime."

And speaking of endings, Huffman said she hopes Lynette's relationship with husband Tom (played by Doug Savant) goes in a certain direction -- divorce, to be specific. "I’m tempted for Tom and Lynette not to get back together again, because I think there’s something horrible and real," she said. "I think there’s something real about that and having to deal with two houses and children."

Whether or not the couple divorces, it does sound like there's at least a trial separation. "I'm going to be a cougar!" Huffman revealed. She added that "the last I heard is that Tom would have a girlfriend." She also said that she thinks the writers will end the show with the pair apart.

Strong was already back on the set last week. As creator Marc Cherry told reporters on Sunday morning, season eight would harken back to Mary Alice's roots, and Strong has already begun filming some of her scenes. "I had to go back to the day I killed myself. Talk about recapitulation!" said Strong. She said that before taking her own life, Mary Alice wanted to call her friends, but then decided not to. "It’s a very emotionally charged subject," she said.

Marcia Cross, who plays Bree Hodge, wouldn't dish on what may be coming up for her character, but she did tell TODAY.com that she has something general in mind -- growth and mystery. "I think it’d be great to leave with that feeling, like, 'Huh, what’s going to happen to her next week?' " said Cross.

Though "Desperate Housewives" has ended seasons with huge cliffhangers, Denton is hoping for something not quite as dramatic. "I just hope it’s natural and really believable and normal, that the characters for some reason move on to another part of life, that there’s nothing melodramatic," he said. "I know these guys will find a classy way to do it, but I just hope it’s something really normal. I trust it’ll be satisfying."

Though he's hoping for something believable, he would like to see the return of Nicollette Sheridan's Edie Britt, something that Cherry has hinted he had toyed with the idea of. "I would love nothing more," Denton told TODAY.com. "I think the audience would love it. It would be a tricky flashback. But you know what, (the writers are) never going to go that way now that they have to be very serious about how the show winds up. But if Edie’s evil twin came back, that would be heaven."

Denton also told TODAY.com that Cherry revealed to him in season one how things would end for Mike Delfino. "It’s funny. I keep saying what I would like to see happen, but Marc Cherry told me in season one, 'Here’s what happens to you in the last episode.' So I know! So that’s kind of cool," he said. "And I’m anxious to see it happen after eight years of trying to picture how Marc was gonna do it." (No, he wouldn't give us any hints as to what might happen to Mike.)

However things end for the individual characters, the consensus is that it'll be great to have nine months to come up with a proper ending that will satisfy.

"Of course it’s human nature when you know that something’s finite, you taste it a little more, you appreciate it a little more," said Huffman.

"Hopefully, everyone will end up a little happier instead of with our typical let’s-kill-everyone-on-the-street finale," Strong told TODAY.com. "That’s my hope, that we can actually end with some real genuine gratitude."

The final season of "Desperate Housewives" premieres Sept. 25 at 9 p.m.



Sofia Vergara: Being a Teen Mom Wasn't All Bad!

Teen Mom, starring Sofia Vergara!
The Modern Family bombshell, now 39, had her handsome son Manolo back she was aloof 19 — and the Colombian extra tells Redbook mag that the teenaged abundance had its benefits. "When I had Manolo, I was 19, and I had the activity for everything," she says. Vergara affiliated Manolo's dad, her adolescence sweetheart Joe Gonzalez, back she was aloof 18. The brace afar two years later.
But the Emmy-nominated star, who is currently dating Florida baby-kisser Nick Loeb, can't brainstorm accepting abundant again. "My admirer now wants to accept kids, and I don't alike appetite to anticipate about it," she admits. "I would accept to get into that mind-set again, the alive up early."
Fans ability be abashed to apprentice that Vergara, acclaimed for her curves, already advised her anatomy "hideous."
"I've had these ridiculously huge boobs back I was cool young," she reveals. "Like, 13. I was absolutely angular at that time, so it was awe-inspiring to accept those f--king boobs and be skinny. It was hideous."
But the blow of her anatomy eventually bent up. "Then afterwards I had my kid, I got achievement and aggregate started to appear together," she adds.

1990s Fashion Hits The Red Carpet - Movie Stars On Parade

It's somewhat hard to comment on fashion so close in time, normally it is only after many years that a trend can be acknowledged as more than just a passing fad. The 90s did see some major changes in how fashion was promoted though.

The advent of the internet took fashion to a global level in record time at the same time people lost interest in fashion as business rules for dressing relaxed. Working at home became common and dressing casual became the style.

Even though the range of retail 1990s fashion goods was huge, the retail sales were often sluggish. After the conspicuous consuming years of the 1980s less became more in the 1990s. But as always Hollywood played a big part in what was favoured when it came to clothing and hair styles.

Whether it was Jennifer Aniston and her often copied hairdo or the chop cut of Meg Ryan, hairstyles of the red carpet definitely influenced 1990s fashion. And as always, rock and roll had its sway with the younger red carpet crowd in the form of grunge wear and even Chuck Taylor's.

The red carpet 1990s fashion included everything from the classic blazer and trousers for everyone, to lycra, the petticoat dress and even Chinese cheongsam dresses. And lest we forget the return big time of cleavage and the Wonderbra.

Marg Helgenberger is saying goodbye to "CSI"

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Long-running TV alternation "CSI:Crime Scene Investigation" will booty on a beneath austere accent this division as above "Cheers" amateur Ted Danson joins the casting of argumentative detectives, producers said on Wednesday.
But in a abruptness announcement, advance extra Marg Helgenberger told reporters that she affairs to leave at the end of the accessible 12th division of what CBS says is the best watched TV alternation in the world.
Helgenberger, who plays above CSI administrator Catherine Willows, said she had advised abrogation at the end of aftermost season, but absitively she was "having a adamantine time absolution go and that I was not yet done arena this character. That's why I absitively to extend (my contract) a little bit."
Danson, 63, takes over from the abandonment Laurence Fishburne (Dr. Raymond Langston), arena a fresh appearance D.B. Russell -- a ancestors man with four children, an anarchistic hippie upbringing, and a acceptable sex life.
Executive ambassador Carol Mendelsohn said Russell has his own different action for analytic crimes, abacus that "the division will be a little lighter. There is added amusement than there was aftermost season.
"Season 12 -- that's a lot of years, and we capital to accelerate the admirers and accelerate ourselves as writers," Mendelsohn added of the change of tone.
"CSI" is one of the best admired franchises at CBS and is accountant in 200 countries. But U.S. audiences accept collapsed by about four amateur admirers in the accomplished two years back aboriginal amateur William Petersen larboard the appearance in 2009 and Fishburne took over, bringing a far added austere bend to the series.
CBS ball arch Nina Tassler accustomed that Peterson's abandonment had been "impactful". But she said that Danson brings a huge fan abject and could allure fresh audiences for the series.
"It is a acknowledged show, continued running, and I anticipate it is a abundant befalling for us," Tassler said.
Emmy-award acceptable amateur Danson -- best accepted as the skirt-chasing bar buyer Sam Malone on the 1980s ball "Cheers" -- said he was afraid but admiring at the adventitious of abiding to a arch role on a top-rated arrangement TV series.
"I was thrilled, happy... My jaw is still blind bottomward a little bit from the addition of all this.
"I adulation activity to work. I am so blessed to adhere with this cast...to be able to footfall into that atmosphere is a joy," he said.
Danson additionally appear another, little accepted accomplishment for his fresh role. "I grew up about skulls. My ancestor was an archeologist in Arizona and I would go on address with my dad as a kid."
Danson makes his admission in the fresh division premiere on September 21

George Clooney hooks up with former female wrestler Stacy Keibler

Eternal available George Clooney afresh breach with adherent of two years Elisabetta Canalis--but it hasn't taken continued for addition adorableness to pin him bottomward again!
Life & Style can alone acknowledge that George has been accepting comfortable with above WWE brilliant and Dancing With the Stars adversary Stacy Keibler. 

An cabal tells Life & Style that Stacy afresh flew to Italy to absorb time with George at his alcazar in Lake Como. "I'm in heaven," Stacy tweeted about her trip.
Though they assume to be an absurd pair, George and Stacy accept been acquaintances for some time and were set up by a alternate friend, the cabal reveals. "They accept a lot of accompany in accepted and run in the aforementioned circles," addition pal tells the magazine, on newsstands now. 

But Stacy -- who breach with her longtime boyfriend, 7th Heaven brilliant Geoff Stults, a year ago -- isn't attractive for a commitment, which apparel George aloof fine. "He's adequate spending time with Stacy, but he aloof got out of a two-year relationship," says the insider. "George isn't accessible for annihilation serious. This cast is absolutely for fun."


Helen Mirren still working on Spector film

A Hollywood arranger has apprenticed Helen Mirren to cull out of a ahead appear fresh blur based on the annihilation balloon of allegorical ambassador Phil Spector. Edward Lozzi is alive on account of the ancestors of Lana Clarkson, the one time extra Spector was begin accusable of cutting dead. They abhorrence that the film, which will affection Al Pacino arena the producer, will acrylic Spector in a affectionate light. 

Mirren is due to comedy one of the music maker’s defence lawyers. According to reports, the extra was told she could acquisition herself actuality blocked from Hollywood awards if she takes allotment in the film. Lozzi is additionally planning a avoid of the film’s producers HBO. But so far the threats accept had no aftereffect on Mirren. A rep for the British extra said: “She’s in the movie. She’s not bottomward out. That’s all she’s saying”

Marisa Miller paddles with Conan Video

Victoria's Secret archetypal Marisa Miller paid a appointment to "Conan" aftermost night and -- would you accept it? -- host Conan O'Brien seemed appealing blessed about it. Back they're about admirable women, every late-night host has his own patented shtick: Jay Leno asks lots of afflictive claimed questions, David Letterman showers them with adulation and O'Brien acts like a short-circuiting robot; you bisected apprehend his arch to circuit about and springs to shoot out of his ears. 

And so it was Monday night back Miller, decked out in a atramentous miniskirt and hot blush stilettos, took a bench abutting to O'Brien. "You attending acutely sexy," he said, punctuating his book with nasal laughter. Miller came with a purpose, of course: announcement her fresh band of actor paddle boards. (Well, that's a fresh one.)
The plan was for Miller to accord O'Brien a canoeing assignment and "tap into your close surfer boy. ... I'm gonna acquisition it."
"Look hard," O'Brien joked. 

During the affirmation (in advanced of a green-screen bump of admirable azure water) Miller took a hands-on approach, adjusting the adjustment of O'Briens legs and hips.
"Need added help," he demanded. 

In the end, Miller gave O'Brien a absolute assessment. "You're a natural. ... You accept a acceptable centermost of force and your abs are absolutely hard," she said, smacking his torso.
"You apperceive what's absolutely hard? That appropriate there!" O'Brien said, pointing to his butt, and Miller complied with a few quick spanks.
The things a babe has to do to advertise a few paddle boards these days...

The Kings of Leon canceled the butt of their United States tour

The Kings of Leon canceled the butt of their United States bout on Monday, adage their advance singer, Caleb Followill, was “suffering from articulate issues and exhaustion” afterwards acceptable ill at a concert in Dallas aftermost week, said a arranger for the group, Ken Weinstein. 

“The bandage is devastated, but in adjustment to accord their admirers the shows they deserve, they charge to booty this break,” Mr. Weinstein said in a able statement.
Mr. Weinstein said the bandage was abandoning 26 concerts in the United States and would not acknowledgment to the alley until Sept. 28, aback the musicians are slated to arise in Vancouver. 

The abandoning of the bout appropriate that article added than a case of calefaction achievement ability be afflicting the garage-rock revivalist quartet from Tennessee. Mr. Followill cut abbreviate a concert in Dallas on Friday night, accusatory of the heat. “I’m activity to go backstage and I’m activity to vomit, I’m activity to alcohol a beer and I’m activity to appear aback out and comedy three added songs.” He never came aback onstage.
The bandage again canceled a gig in Houston the abutting night, and the bass player, Jared Followill, Caleb’s brother, appropriate in letters on Twitter that there was centralized strife. “I can’t lie,” he said. “There are problems in our bandage bigger than not bubbler abundant Gatorade.” 

But Mr. Weinstein, the publicist, acclaimed that the bandage had been touring for seven weeks in Europe, and had army several tours back 2003. “These guys do not stop and I anticipate they are actively exhausted,” he said.

Braylon Edwards Coming To Cardinals, Kerry Rhodes Has The Scoop

The big rumor amphibian about Cardinals convenance Monday morning centered on chargeless abettor advanced receiver Braylon Edwards. The awful bottomless babble is that Edwards, who had already been accounted as a Cardinals' target, was in Arizona already. To get added advice on the Edwards situation, SB Nation Arizona batten with Edwards' acceptable friend, assurance Kerry Rhodes.
Asked accurately about the rumor that Edwards was already in Arizona, Rhodes smiled and said, "I can't animadversion on that one yet."
Note the use of the chat "yet".
Rhodes fabricated the rumor alike a bit added absorbing back he added, "Just break tuned, analysis on twitter." 

Kerry Rhodes cheep is @kerryrhodes 

Rhodes ability accept additionally let a little article blooper with his best of words back asked about the abstraction of reuniting with his associate from the NY Jets, "I'll be happy. He'll appear actuality and accord this aggregation a weapon. He's one of the best receivers in the game."
Then again, he additionally acclimated a added abstract framing in accession comment, "I apprehend that we're in discussions and talking with him. If he comes actuality he'll be a abundant addition."
One affair Rhodes was bright about was his admiration and captivation in authoritative it happen.
"I may have, I may accept gotten complex a little bit. I may be accomplishing a little "Coach K" recruiting appropriate now to try and get that done," Rhodes said about the role he's arena in the recuitment of the accomplished chargeless abettor advanced receiver.
Should the Cardinals acreage Edwards, the casual advance that already appearance Larry Fitzgerald and now Todd Heap will become alike added almighty for fresh quarterback, Kevin Kolb.


Laura Vikmanis,NFL Cheerleader Gets Film

Mom, cheerleader, and now, afflatus for a above motion picture.
At 42 years old, Laura Vikmanis is the NFL's oldest cheerleader. A registered dietician, trainer and mom of teenagers who set her apperception to authoritative the band and abutting the Cincinnati Bengals' Ben-Gals band in 2009, Vikmanis serves as a adviser for her adolescent cheerleading teammates. If it sounds like a Hollywood film, well, it anon will be. 

New Line Cinema has best up the rights to Vikmanis' story, The Hollywood Reporter reports, with "Gnomeo and Juliet" writers Emily Cook and Kathy Greenberg set to construe her activity to a blur script. It's a news that has already been accurate in the civic press. 

“I was at a point in my activity area I was like, ‘What do I absolutely appetite to do? What’s article in my activity that makes me happy?’ ” Vikmanis told her bounded Dayton Daily News in 2009. “I went to a brace amateur and saw the cheerleaders and anticipation that looked really, absolutely fun.” 

Still, no one anticipation she could accomplish it, so back she fabricated it to the final annular of cuts in 2008, it aggressive her to alternation for an absolute year, authoritative the aggregation the abutting time around.
“My family, I anticipate at aboriginal back I told them I was activity to try out, were like ‘Oh yeah, that’s article fun to try,’" she said. "When I assuredly fabricated it they were in tears and aloof so excited. They accept been abaft me 100 percent. ... My accouchement anticipation it was cool, but I don’t anticipate they accepted absolutely until they went to the bold and absolutely saw me on the field. They anticipate it’s so cool."