
The New Kindle Fire - Technology - Gadgets and Gizmos

<p>Amazon just launched the much talked about tablet Kindle Fire, a 7-inch tablet available at $199. The tablet has Fantastic ability to compete against iPad with its multi-touch functions running on Android OS, which has been completely changeed for the Kindle. Along with the tablets, the seller has also uncovered a fresh line of Kindle covers with a $149 Kindle Touch 3G, a $99 Kindle Touch without 3G, and a non-touch $79 Kindle.This is a great eReader and tablet all in one that is easy to transport. Weighing 14.6 ounces, it is a lightweight device that can be held in one hand. The Fire measures 7.5 x 4.7 x 0.45 inches, making it comfortable to carry in your bag. Protective cases are additionally accessible for the Kindle Fire on Amazon.The Amazon Kindle Fire permits you to access greater than 18 million bits of media, including movies, magazines, newspapers, TV shows, apps, and games. They are watched on the device's 7 inch vibrant color touch screen display. Web browsing d
one through the new Amazon Silk, a browser built by the company to present faster page loads and transit times when using the Fire to surf the internet.Once it comes to the battle in deciding which tablet to choose, the Kindle Fire or the iPad 2, it can basically come down to price, size, and portability. They both present various choices and alternatives when it comes to apps, streaming, reading, etc. However one is somewhat bigger and much heavier, one is cheaper and one is quite pricey, and one offers dual cameras that contain photo and video options while the other does not.The Kindle Fire is smaller than the iPad 2 - seven-inch screen compared to 9.7-inches. Screen resolution is about the equivalent at 1024 X 600 for the Kindle and 1024 X 768 for the Apple's screen. However, the Fire's price is much smaller to at an unheard of release of $199. In today's market, this is reasonably a big enticement. The iPad 2 starts at $499. Not many single moms or students typically ha
ve access to that large sum of cash. That has frequently been what has lead many people to hunt for an Apple substitute.Storage space and memory are points that electronics consumers really look at. The iPad 2 offers a selection of memory choices - 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB. Amazon's device only has 8GB, yet they are offering unlimited Cloud storage on Amazon servers. The Fire does include a microSD slot. IPad 2 operates in WiFi or 3G. The Fire must have WiFi access in order to use all of its features and to stay connected. If it's the apps that offer the for the most part appeal on a tablet device, then the iPad 2 may be the way to go as it offers access to about 90,000 apps. The Fire offers access to around 17,000. However, there is the unsurpassed access to tons of Kindle books and Amazon's enormous library of streaming movies and TV shows. Greater portability is offered with Amazon's tablet at a featherweight 14.6 oz compared to Apple's at 1.33 lbs. The Fire does not offer GP
S service, mostly due to the WiFi issue.Battery life is relatively the same: Fire - 8 hours, iPad2 - 10 hours. The Kindle Silk browser on the Fire is super fast as it runs the most taxing loading parts of a webpage and loads them on the Amazon Cloud servers.The 3 G version comes with two color options: graphite and white. The WiFi is available in Graphite only. Also, the 3G gives you mobile connectivity anywhere you are and access in over 100 countries. The WiFi allows access to the web or the Kindle store, only when you are near a WiFi hotspot.Things you can do with the Kindle Fire:1. Play A Game - While the Kindle isn't recognized for game playing, it is versatile enough that you can play virtual games on it. Regular no frills and no color games are best, such as hangman or Sudoku.2. Lend A Book - You can now let somebody borrow your books. Or anybody else with a Kindle enabled device such as Kindle for the PC, iPhone Kindle app, Android Kindle app, etc. As long as the boo
k in question is "lendable" by way of the publisher, you can allow someone to borrow it for up to 14 days free of charge. This is a super cool feature Amazon added in late last year and one that no doubt should get a lot of fair use.3. Dress Up Your Kindle - If you received a sweet decal skin for your birthday or Christmas, right now is a great time to slap it on and see how it looks on your e-reader. The neat thing about decal skins is that once you tire of a design you just take it off and put on another. Not to mention they're cheap ,with good decal skins costing you no more than $20 from a highly regarded online shop like TopThisDiscounts.com.4. Show It Off - Let's be truthful. Not all has a Kindle Fire just yet and when they see one, they're impressed and or curious about the small gadget. Let people know how much you enjoy your e-reading companion.The Amazon Kindle Fire let you read over 18 million sections of media, including movies, magazines, newspapers, TV shows, a
pps, and games. They are watched on the device's 7 inch vibrant color touch screen display. Web browsing made through the new Amazon Silk, a browser built by the company to present quicker page loads and transit times when using the Fire to surf the internet.Eight GB of internal storage are available on the Fire. This quantity of memory holds approximately 80 apps as well as 10 movies, 800 songs, or 6,000 books. Battery life is not as good as the other Kindle versions, but they don't come close to doing what the Kindle Fire can. A single charge can supply 8 hours of power for continuous reading. It will also conduct about 7 1/2 hours of video playback before need to be recharged.This is a excellent eReader and tablet all in one that is easy to convey. Weighing 14.6 ounces, it is a lightweight piece of equipment that can be held in one hand. The Fire measures 7.5 x 4.7 x 0.45 inches, making it comfortable to carry in your bag. Protective cases are also available for the Kindl
e Fire on Amazon.

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