
New Movie download is it legal? - Entertainment - Movies

<p>This is the question that each one of us should ask ourselves before attempting to download movies on the internet. Recently, the new movie download practice has increased among members of society although they are aware that it is illegal. This is a very serious business and some day the entertainment industry is going to track them down and fine them for sure.</p>

<p>The most vital point when using the internet is to remember that because we sit in the comfort and closure of our homes we have all the privacy in the world. This is not true, whichever files one downloads or shares, they are all registered in the memory and can easily be found out by computer literates. Most movies have their own copyrights and hence, the people involved in checking the copyrights will surely know when someone is trying to illegally download their movie.</p>

<p>The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) protects the rights of all its recording artists and in line with this is the NBC Universal and the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) that keep a watch on the copyrights of their artists to avoid new movie download illegally. One may want to ask what is legally available for downloading.</p>

<p>Services like Kazaa, Bitorrent and Limewire do have legal sites that allow you to download songs and videos and movies whose copyrights have expired. You can safely download and have no fear of being caught by anyone. At the same time, if you attempt to use these sites for new movie download then you are violating the law and can be punished for this since there are always watchdogs looking for illegal downloads.</p>

<p>Another major reason why new movie downloads are on the rise is because of the effects of sex in movies. Together with violence in movies, sex plays a major role. In the past decade it is noticed that most movies are focused on a mixture of violence and sex that is quite disturbing to the human mind, especially for children who try to watch such movies without the knowledge of their parents.</p>

<p>Recent research has found that the effects of sex in movies between 1989 and 1999 have almost doubled, making it increasingly difficult for families to sit together and watch a movie. The TV serials portray women as sex objects, making it obvious to children that this is the way the world should be and this is the way they should behave in order to gain attention.</p>

<p>Surely parents would not allow their children to watch such violent movies. Hence, children resort to new movies download illegally so they can have a good time watching such movies with their friends. In most cases, they practically experiment such scenes with their fellow friends which may end up in a great disaster in most cases. They are too young to know the dangers of illegal new movie download and parents who are not aware of what their children are doing results in bad behaviors among children and youth.

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