
Sir Edwin Landseer Paintings - Art - Painting

<p>Sir Edwin Henry Landseer was a brilliant English artist that achieved prominence with his paintings of the 19th century. Edwin Landseer's oil paintings are renowned for Landseer's use of animals frequently, most often horses, dogs and stags. Monarch of the Glen is one example of this. Landseer also produced the lions sculptures which are to be found in Trafalgar Square, London.</p>

<p>English architect Sir Edwin Landseer Lutyens was named after himLutyens' father, who was a friend of Landseer.</p>

<p>After his death, Landseer left three paintings incomplete, namely Finding the Otter, Nell Gwynne and The Dead Buck, all on easels in his studio. His wish was that his friend, and fellow artist John Everett Millais should complete the paintings and so Millais did.</p>

<p>Edwin Landseer's talents were developed early in his life and continued to develop over the full length of his career as he took in new experienced and emotions.</p>

<p>Famous Sir Edwin Henry Landseer oil paintings include A Jack in Office, Arab Stallion, Child with a drawing, Dignity And Impudence, Isaac van Amburgh and his Animals, Lady Dyke, Windsor Castle in Modern Times, Lion Drinking At A Stream, Monarch Of The Glen, Highland Loch, Highlnd Nurses and Queen Victoria and Prince Albert at the Bal Costume.</p>

<p>Eos Greyhound of Prince Albert painting by Landseer is a common choice for lovers of his work due to the inclusion of this famous dog, set against a red background.</p>

<p>Landseer achieved great connections with London galleries and museums because of his privileged background and rising reputation. Landseer's art had continual use of Scotland scenery which provided the subjects for many of his paintings, including the likes of The Hunting of Chevy Chase, An Illicit Whiskey Still in the Highlands, Monarch of the Glen and Rent Day in the Wilderness.</p>

<p>Sir Edwin Landseer is a brilliant English artist who is well known for his paintings of famous British members of the royal family plus Eos the Greyhound dog. Many art lovers across the UK, US and Europe continue to buy reproductions of Landseer paintings due to the charm that he achieved in his works, and the exciting topics that he covered and depicted during his career. Landseer will be best known for his Scottish landscapes and portraits of the British Royal Family of that period. The highlands remains the most picturesque choice for artists in Scotland, and Landseer reguarly choice this area for his paintings.

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