
Are the Best Movies of 2010 Blockbusters? - Entertainment - Movies

<p>Each year bigger and bigger movies are released on the masses. The questionis bigger really better comes to mind. The best movies are usually a combination of big and good. I have found that many of todays releases forget that a movie with real substance provides more to the audience than the flashy special effects that are in most movies today.</p>

<p>Although there is a lot of flash in todays movies, I have a hard time stopping myself from entering a theatre when certain movies are released. I have always felt that if one is going to a theatre, make it count. What is the point of the big screen and excellent sound if it is not put to good use? I can usually wait until comedies or dramas reach DVD before I feel the need to watch it (some exceptions such as Tropic Thunder come to mind though). A blockbuster movie that promises big special effects requires the big screen to fully enjoy it though.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, these big-budget movies tend to disappoint in the substance area. I was very excited to see Iron Man 2 after watching a couple of the trailers. After watching the movie, I left feeling as if I had been taken advantage of. Jon Favreau should be ashamed of that product. Other eye-catching movies left me with a bad taste in my mouth such as Tron and Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallows. </p>

<p>Fortunately, Inception proved to be one of the best movies of 2010. This movie had it all! Intrigue, acting, crazy good plot, and twists to bend the mind. I really wanted Inception to win Best Picture because I liked it so much. Other blockbusters should look at the formula that Chris Nolan has perfected. He takes a great plot and turns it into a blockbuster. </p>

<p>So, judging from this years crop of movies, it appears that the flashy movies have been outdone by substance yet again. Most of the best movies of the year include non special effects laden works such as The Social Network, True Grit, and The Fighter. There wasnt a ton of money thrown at special effects in those movies although The Social Network was very slick. </p>

<p>If the moviemakers could combine some special effects with solid plot and good acting, I believe we would have the perfect movie. The blockbuster movies of the past year have no soul with the exception of Inception. Increase the substance of these movies along with the currently stunning eye-candy and we are talking about a whole new ballgame. Maybe the Oscars would recognize some of these blockbusters then. </p>

<p>I have high hopes for the 2011 movie class. Some of the trailers look very promising. Captain America, X-Men, and Stephen Spielbergs latest attempt are making me anxious. I only hope that there is something to these movies than the same drivel we have been seeing lately. If the blockbuster movies want to make the Oscars sit up and take notice, maybe they better do a little soul-searching themselves.</p>

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