
Celebrities Who Have Had or Are Rumored to Have Had Liposuction - Health

<p>Most people, at one time or another, have to battle the bulge. Fat can creep up on all of us, including celebrities. Celebrity liposuction is almost a right of passage as many celebrities have undergone this procedure to get rid of fat in all areas of the body. Many female celebrities have chosen celebrity liposuction as a way to minimize cellulite. Others are concerned with fat loss. Some of those who have chosen liposuction as a form of celebrity fat loss include Halle Berry, Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson, just to name a few. </p>

<p>Many celebrities choose liposuction after having a baby as a way to get rid of baby fat. It can take the average woman months to lose baby fat. Celebrities may not have those months to get into shape as they depend on looking good to get work. </p>

<p>Britney Spears has been rumored to have liposuction. At her lowest point, to add to all of her problems, she appeared to have gained a great deal of weight around her belly. After getting her act together, she instantly became slim again for her tour. Britney Spears, who depends on looking good for her performances, may have had this method of celebrity fat loss as an easy way to get back into shape. While you still have to exercise and watch your calories to have a body like Britney Spears, celebrity liposuction can get celebrities off to a good start. </p>

<p>Halle Berry had celebrity liposuction after the birth of her child. The Oscar winning actress depends upon her face and figure to work so she underwent liposuction to help her get back to her pre-baby shape. While liposuction does not replace common sense for staying in shape, it can get rid of unwanted fat instantly. Halle Berry is one of those who chose this option. </p>

<p>Jessica Simpson was recently photographed looking much heavier than she did when she first burst into the spotlight. Jessica Simpson has said that she battled the bulge for most of her life and is rumored to have had liposuction early in her career to get rid of unwanted fat. Celebrity liposuction may have helped her again as recent photos of her show her to have lost some weight. </p>

<p>When stars go from looking overweight and carrying around excess fat to looking lean and trim in a month, it is usually due to some cosmetic surgery such as celebrity liposuction. Celebrity fat loss may be attributed to diet and exercise, but may celebrities choose liposuction as a way to get them instant gratification.

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