
THE Amazing Self Review - Self Help

<p>Welcome to the Amazing Self Review!</p>

<p>This is a complete and comprehensive review of the 'about to be released' new product of that name. It will be a fairly long review to give you a good look but I should add that the amount of content in the first edition is really huge which means that I will not be able to give you detailed information on every aspect without writing a book myself. However let's start by clearing up a one thing.</p>

<p>I have been lucky enough to be one of the privileged few to get an early look at this product and so what I tell you is genuine information. I am not headlining this review with words like "Is this product a scam...?" or similarly contrived comments to get your attention. This simply is a genuine review of Amazing Self.</p>

<p>Secondly, having looked it over I have to say I like the product and I am sure that this will be reflected in my review but I will try to maintain a reasonably even-handed approach as I tell you what you can expect.</p>

<p>All of that said let's start with a brief overview and an introduction.</p>

<p>What is Amazing Self?</p>

<p>Well as the team that produces it state, "Amazing Self is a self-improvement system of tips, tools, and techniques for improving the 4 key areas of your life: Health, Wealth, Relationships, and Mindset".</p>

<p>On a monthly basis you will receive:</p>

<p>* The Amazing Self magazine* Interviews entitled "the Amazing Journey Sessions"* The 'Abundant Wealth' video series* 'Amazing Self' Guided Visualization Mind Movies</p>

<p>I will provide a bit more information on these as we progress.</p>

<p>In fact in the first edition there is:* 1 Amazing Self magazine* 2 Amazing Journey interviews plus transcripts* 2 Abundant Wealth videos* 6 Guided Visualization mind movies</p>

<p>How much will it cost?</p>

<p>Let's get this out of the way early so you won't be searching through the review looking for it. There two simple packages for Amazing Self. You can either buy the monthly editions at $37.00 a month or pay an annual subscription fee of $147.00. While it doesn't say this in the copy, I am pretty sure that you could try it for a month or two at $37.00 and then take a full year at the lesser rate once you are satisfied with what you are receiving.</p>

<p>Who is involved in the product?</p>

<p>Here is a brief run-down of some of the names that will contribute regularly to this venture. As you will see from the magazine it has four main sections. These are Health, Wealth, Relationships and Mindset.OH! By the way, did I mention that the first edition of this colour magazine alone contains 196 pages?...and this is not just for the first issue, this will be every month.</p>


<p>Mark Ling is a very experienced and highly successful internet marketer who earns 6 figures a year. Mark's main contribution to Amazing Self, apart from the fact that he is certainly the marketing entrepreneur behind this product, is the Abundant Wealth Series of videos where he will "reveal the latest proven ways to effortlessly attract and generate untold riches in your life as he shares two video presentations in each monthly instalment".</p>

<p>The quote is straight from the Amazing Self pages where they also refer to Mark as "internationally-acclaimed wealth creation genius Mark Ling". Not a bad title to have hey?</p>

<p>All of the exciting phraseology aside I have had quite a number of dealings with Mark Ling and let me say this to you. On every occasion I have found Mark to be helpful and generous with his assistance, going beyond what you would normally expect from someone in his position. His products that I have used so far have been of high quality and his desire to give top value to all with whom he has a relationship is continually evident.</p>

<p>Amazing Self again reflects this ethos with content of very high quality and initial bonuses to add a very pleasing feeling to signing up.</p>


<p>Contributions come from health and fitness gurus Tracey Trimmer (author of the overnight bombshell weight-loss success How To Lose 17 Pounds in 17 Days) and Sarah Sanders (author of the internationally acclaimed Brilliant Yoga e-book).</p>


<p>Slade Shaw and Mirabelle Summers are contributing here and if you Google their names you will see a host of information that they have on the web in this genre.</p>


<p>OK...I know it's tempting but please don't go all glassy-eyed at the thought of this title. To quote again from the magazine "in Amazing Self, you won't find any airy-fairy b.s. or New-Age nonsense - just proven facts and valuable how-to's.... Our Mindset experts have been cherry-picked from leagues of life-coaches, motivational speakers, success coaches, and NLP master trainers..."</p>

<p>So let's assume that you decide to give it a try and sign up...what will you see when you log into the member's area?</p>

<p>Firstly you will be able to download the first edition of the magazine (yes...all 196 pages) in PDF format, which I think just about everyone understands and can read these days.</p>

<p>Secondly check out issue one of the "Amazing Journey Sessions". Episode one is an interview between Mark Ling and Mark Joyner (you can check out his site at simpleologysite.com). There is also a complete transcript of the interview if you need it.</p>

<p>Next are two videos by Mark Ling from the abundant wealth section on the subject of outsourcing.</p>

<p>Now remember I talked about extra bonuses being a strong part of Mark Ling's ethos?</p>

<p>Firstly there is a bonus Amazing Journey Sessions interview with Marie Forleo (livebootycamp.com).</p>

<p>Bonus two there are three additional Amazing Journey reports.</p>

<p>Bonus three - 6 visualization videos as promised.</p>

<p>I have had a brief look at the well produced video content and can only say that you will find it informative, interesting and leaving you waiting for next month.</p>

<p>All in all, Amazing Self is another high quality product form the Mark Ling stable designed to help you become a better and more successful person in almost every aspect of your life. It is comprehensive, excellently presented (although to be honest I may have used a different font) and for a price as low as just over $12.00 per month (on the annual basis) it is tremendous value for money.</p>

<p>If you are interested in finding ways to improving your life in oh so many ways, I can strongly recommend Amazing Self!</p>


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