
10 Celebrity Toilet Stories - Entertainment - Celebrities

<p>A look into the bathrooms of celebrities. Celebrities include Miley Cyrus,Barbra Walters,Leonardo DiCaprio,Cameron Diaz, and list goes on.</p>

<p>1. Lenny Kravitz: Music sensation Lenny Kravitz's toilet causes almost one million dollars in damages. Starting in October 2004 Lenny Kravitz has accumulated various lawsuits from neighbors living below the rock star. These lawsuits totalling close to 800,00 dollars worth of damage were caused by Kravitz's blocked toilet, which leaked into the dwellers apartments below the rock star. </p>

<p>2. Leonardo DiCaprio: Eco-friendly Leo went on a spending spree and splurged on a... no not a Prius, a toilet. Leo spent over 3,000 dollars on the eco friendly Neorest toilet. The Neorest toilet is tankless, and features front and rear warm water washing, automatic air dryer, deodorizer, and a sensor activated lid. This throne is also equipped with a remote that controls water temperture, and other options. Very cool purchase. The flush is only 1.6 gpf. You would think that Leo would be a bit more green and go with a lower flush toilet.</p>

<p>3. George Michael: George Michael has been up to no good, twice in the bathroom. He was caught the first time in 1998 in Beverly Hills for lewd conduct. Eleven years later George was caught with drugs in a London public bathroom.</p>

<p>4. Miley Cyrus and Barbra Walters: Miley is gifted at everything including gift giving. In March 2008 Miley sent talk show host Barbra Walters a golden toilet. Unfortunately the toilet was not life sized, but it was inscribed: "Barbra, So you will always remember the Cyrus family." </p>

<p>5. Dave Matthews Band: In 2004 while driving on a bridge over the Chicago River a tour bus allegedly belonging to the Dave Matthews Band dumped its septic tank waste. Unfortunatley the waste landed all over the sightseers on a boat below. The Dave Matthews band is being sued by the city of Chicago for polluting the river.</p>

<p>6. Larry Craig: The Idaho Sentator, Larry Craig was caught by an undercover cop in the summer of 2007 tapping his foot in a way that is commonly known to signal a desire to engage sexual conduct in a public restroom. When the cop confronted the Senator he claimed that he had a, "wide stance." Craig ended up pleading guilty to a disorderly conduct charge.</p>

<p>7. Enrique Iglesias: Enrique admits to stage fright. No, he doesnt get scared on stage in front of millions of adoring fans. He gets bladder shy when he is in a public restroom. He claims that he avoids crowded toilets. He later admits to joking about this subject... I don't know, where there is smoke, there is fire.</p>

<p>8. Miley Cyrus: It's Miley again. Before becoming an amazing singer and actress. Miley revelead that her previous job was with a cleaning service. One of her duties with this company was scrubbing toilets. She claimed on the Tyra Banks Show, that she can scrub a toilet. What can't Miley do?</p>

<p>9. Cameron Diaz: In a May 19 2009 interview on the Jay Leno show, Cameron Diaz shares her green bathroom habits with the world. She lives by the credo, "If it's yellow leave it mellow, if it's brown flush it down." Nice </p>

<p>10. Lily Allen: In April 2008 british singer Lily Allen joined her male friends in the mens room at the Royal Albert Hall in London. She was quickly kicked out by the bathroom attentandent who had alerted security. I guess the lines were shorter.... waiting lines.

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