
Where Does Your Celebrant Come On Your List of Priorities? - Relationships - Weddings

<p>Planning a wedding involves a kilometric list of things to do, places to see and people to meet - and that's just for the ceremony and reception! Add in the wedding rehearsal and the honeymoon and the soon-to-be-wedded couple have their hands full to overflowing.</p>

<p>In all these wedding preparations, one very important person may well be forgotten, which can prove disastrous. We are talking about the celebrant, the person who will officiate at the wedding ceremony so that the marriage becomes valid in the eyes of man and God. (The latter is when you are having a faith-based wedding).</p>

<p>With that being said, you must choose your wedding celebrant well and be sure to book your celebrant as early as possible, too. Your wedding will have the right legal and symbolical values when you place the celebrant near the top of your wedding planning list.</p>

<p>Find Your Celebrant</p>

<p>Your first step is to find the wedding celebrant. Your choice depends on many factors including your choice of a wedding (civil or church), your venue (in a church or in the reception venue), and your preferred wedding ceremony (simple or elaborate), among other things. You must then make a list of your basic criteria in the wedding ceremony itself before compiling the list of celebrants in your area.</p>

<p>If you are getting married in your faith, then the priest, minister or rabbi in whatever place of worship you intend to wed your partner is your best choice. You can also ask the celebrant to come to your wedding venue if the ceremony will take place outside of the church or synagogue.</p>

<p>If you are getting married in civil ceremonies, then a person authorized by the law to carry out marriages is your best bet. Ask the local authorities for a list of the people who are qualified to perform marriages that will be recognized as valid and binding upon the parties involved.</p>

<p>Meet Your Celebrant</p>

<p>Once you have a list of the possible celebrants, you can ask around with your family and friends to shorten your list. You are most likely to be referred to the celebrants with good tracks records by persons whom you have proven trustworthy to look after your wedding needs.</p>

<p>Your next step is to meet the celebrants so as to determine their suitability for the kind of ceremony you have in mind. Think of this meet-and-greet as a job interview where you can ask questions of the celebrants including queries about their:</p>

<p> Experience - The professional celebrant knows about his role in the ceremony while also knowing his place in the general scheme in the wedding. The right celebrant will carefully listen to your wishes, provide ideas to make the ceremony more beautiful, and allow for personalized touches when other celebrants seem too stiff. You should neither be ashamed nor afraid to ask about the celebrant's experience. Faith - If your wedding will be faith-based, it is only right that you will ask questions about the celebrant's faith. You may even have to coordinate with two celebrants when your wedding is an interfaith marriage, say, between a Catholic and a Jew. Fees - Ask about the fees so that there will be no misunderstandings later on.</p>

<p>When you have agreed on the fees, schedule and other details of the ceremony, then book the celebrant!</p>


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