
Amazon - From E-Commerce to E-readers, and Tablets. Oh My! - Business

<p>Amazon.com (henceforth just called Amazon) is a heck of a force to be reckoned with in its respective fields. I wonder if Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon) could have imagined that his little online bookstore would develop into what it is today. That's right, back in 1995 (before Facebook, and back when America Online had a strangle on the Internet) Amazon was launched as an online bookstore, and the name Amazon chosen because Jeff wanted a name that meant something big (he must have known his company would become one of the biggest retailers in the world), and settles on Amazon. </p>

<p>Amazon now sells anything and everything that you can probably think of. They partner with many different branches and businesses to assist them in maintaining their inventory, and offer many of the products sold to be directly from Amazon themselves. The have recently established a new service called "Amazon Prime" which allows users to pay for a service that gives them free 2-day shipping on items that qualify, as well as a huge discount on overnight shipping on qualified items. There are now even more benefits of being a Prime member, such as allowing members to borrow books on their Kindle devices. For those who aren't Prime members, they can still benefit from Amazon's promotional codes.</p>

<p>Speaking of Kindle, let's talk about that for a second. The Amazon Kindle was introduced in 2007 as a device that lets you read and store books on a small device that can almost fit in your pocket. Just in the few years of the Kindle's existence, it has seen many changes, and each year it receives an updates look with updates to its various features. There are now Kindles with and without keyboards, Kindles that feature a touch screen, Kindles that don't feature a touch screen, and most recently, a full-color Kindle tablet device.</p>

<p>Kindle Fire is the name of their newest tablet device. The Kindle Fire allows users to do everything that normal Kindles can do, but now in full color, and with many other features, such as web surfing, watching movies, and downloading apps from an online store. </p>

<p>Amazon has come a very long way since it's inception back in 1995. Who could have guessed that this company that started out as a simple online bookstore, would become a huge megastore online, and would go to develop an incredible line of E-readers, and even a tablet in 2011? Amazon offers everything that you can think of, from a to z, and they are here to stay.</p>

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