
Free DVD Downloads - The Top 3 Ways to Watch Movies Online - Entertainment - Movies

<p>Movies are becoming more accessible online with increase in Internet speed and new technology. This is good news for you, if you're looking for ways to watch your favorite movies and save money at the same time. If you're tired of spending tons of money on DVDs or tired of driving to the video store for new rentals, it would be in your best interest to start downloading your movies online. What are the benefits of downloading movies online? Besides what I've already mentioned, here are a few more.Unlimited AccessIf the Internet is availabe, your movie will be ready to download. That's the beauty of a free DVD download, you can download it onto your computer and watch it from the comfort of your own home, without leaving to go pick it up! No Late FeesI always used to take my movies back late. Racking up late fees at your local video store just puts extra financial burden on you. Why not forget about late fees and start downloading your movies online. Now that you know the b
enefits of movie downloads, I'll now let you know the top 3 ways to watch them online. 1. Movie Downloading SitesThere are a variet of movie downloading sites online that allow you to download movies directly to your computer. While the number is growing, there are those that are at the forefront of the industry. Some big names are CinemaNow, Amazon Unbox, RealPlayer RealPass and Blockbuster's online movie download site. Most of these will cost you a monthly fee, but the selection and convenience pay off in the end. 2. DVD Rental ServicesI'm sure you've heard of Netflix. They not only allow you to rent movies through the mail, but they have a large number of movies you can stream directly to your computer, or through a device such as the XBOX 360 or Tivo. As mentioned above, Blockbuster also has a downloading service that you can bulk with their rental service. 3. Free DVD Download Membership SitesThese types of sites offer you unlimited movie downloads for a one time fee. B
e sure to check to see if the site is a legitimate site and read the terms of service very carefully. A lot of sites online are just trying to take your money, but there are great download membership sites with excellent support and an extensive selection. Downloading movies online will become the standard as time moves on and technology creates faster ways to view videos online. The movie downloading industry is growing and while it might take a while to replace your local video store, it's still a huge convenience and a great way to build up your list of movies.

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