
Seeing New Movies in the Theater vs. Renting - Entertainment - Movies

<p>Movie buffs will usually do what they can to check out the latest flicks as soon as they come out. However, the prices for movie tickets, not to mention the cost of food and drinks, have risen in the past few years. This has made the tradition of going out to the local theater an expense for some. Because of this, many are becoming more skeptical about heading to the movie theater to see new movies, especially since not all of them turn out to be as good as the commercial previews promise.Although new movies are seen as those that come out in the theaters, there is such a thing as seeing new movies that are out on rental. Some people prefer to go out and rent films instead of dealing with the theater and the crowds. All of the movies that show in theaters eventually make their way to DVD, so oftentimes viewers would rather wait and spend a fraction of the price they normally would on movie tickets and other perks, such as popcorn and soda. There are even new films that com
e out straight to DVD that never make it to the movie theater.</p>

<p>It is up to you to decide which method would work best when it comes to how you want to view new films. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Most movie buffs enjoy the atmosphere of being in the theater and even the best at-home surround sound system can't match that of the facilities a movie theater has to offer. Of course, as mentioned previously, the cost for a movie going experience isn't as affordable these days. When it comes to renting, the cost is much cheaper and you get to keep the movie for a few days. Even though watching a movie at home might not offer the same environment as the theater, you do have the option of small perks, such as being able to rewind and fast forward the movie and being able to watch it as many times as you want.</p>

<p>Like traditional movie reviews in the newspaper, the online versions also have a rating system as well as written reviews. Some sites have become considerably popular and are among the first that moviegoers visit in order to find out which films have been recommended and which ones should be left alone. The great thing about using the Internet to get your information on new movies is that you'll get a mix of reviews written by both movie critics as well as regular people. While the critics often provide insight into a movie's characters, plot line and other additional commentary, most people just want to know what was good about the movie and what was bad. Reviews written by the average moviegoers usually excel at keeping things black and white, informative and easy for readers to understand.

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