
How to Watch Free Movies Online a Legal Perspective - Entertainment

<p>It is the weekend, and the babysitter has canceled on their duties and there is this film that you have waited for since the announcement of its production. It is at this point that one decides to watch it online, possibly for free. However, with the tightening up of anti-piracy laws worldwide, it is important to watch free movies online from a legal website that does not engage in bootlegging. Many would say that because the film company is not making money by people watching these films online for free, many would argue that it is legal to watch them as long as they do not download for purposes of illegal distribution.</p>

<p>To begin with, because the film viewing is free, there is a chance that if the film is still on rotation in cinemas, then the copy will not be clear. Many would advise that it is better to wait until the film has aged a little bit so as to ensure that the version one finds online is a clearer version. One of the legal ways to watch a film is through video sites like YouTube, Google Video and Peekvid.com which will not offer full film but instead have links to sites that have legal viewings and streamings of films being advertised on these sites. This is one way of getting the hassle of copyright issues off one's hands. Sites will either allow one to download the films to be watched on a computer or they can be streamed online meaning they cannot be downloaded.</p>

<p>A site can show films online for free because its copyright license expired, it was a site created via Open Source meaning it can be accessed by anyone or that given site has a license to show free movies. For a greater part, many sites that show free movies online are illegal because they are either copied from the theaters or the site does not own its rights. Many legal sites are affiliated with film companies and will usually charge a fee to allow for online viewing of their films and shows.</p>

<p>Sites like Thewatchmovies.com will offer not only a listing of films available, but also a review and rating of the films in its database. When one chooses the film they wish to watch, the site will show a listing of versions available as well as a link to sites that have a viewing of the film.</p>

<p>It is not just new films but also classics and old films that many people wish to watch on demand. it is for this reason that there are sites like Emol.org which is a site that is legally and strictly all about old films. Other sites that one can visit include Amazon's 'Video on Demand' which will offer a host of free films and shows to watch but will let the public in on their entire database for a small fee.

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