
The Magical Romance In The Hollywood Movies - Entertainment - Movies

<p>Movies are always the world of dreams and fantasies. It will create a space around the viewer which will allow him to move with the flow of the story and its complexities. Music and other components of a movie will help to build up this space. if the movies are realistic the viewer will be able to built up this space very quickly and will make a great impact on him. Its very true in the case of Hollywood romantic movies. The wave which they create in our mind will be sometimes everlasting and magnificent. </p>

<p>When I tell you magical romance you may definitely ask whats magical about the romance depicted in these Hollywood movies. Yah its magical because, for example if you watch the evergreen romantic movie Titanic you wont stop there by watching it once, I am sure that you will definitely feel to watch it again and again. Here lies the secret of using the word magical. </p>

<p>The romantic mood that this movie will create in you will be lasting for a longer period. For me the name Titanic is one of the first words which will come to my mind when I think of love. That much meaning full it is to call this Hollywood movie as magical. The characters of Jack and Rose become the symbol of love for the youngsters. </p>

<p>Now there is another question comes here, what makes this movie magical? The simple answer here is the specialty of its love story itself. The story presented in this film is that much deep and sincere. And the director succeeded to maintain the reality of this romance throughout the movie. Its background score and the magnificent music add to its perfection. The total outcome of this movie is that an unforgettable experience for the viewer.</p>

<p>We can even say that there is a kind of titanic mania itself is there among the Hollywood fans, mostly as a movie of romance. One cannot deny the fact that this movie is a land mark in the history of Hollywood romantic movies. We wont feel the romance in it as nonsense or unbelievable. This fact itself made me the big fan of this movie. </p>

<p>There are also many other Hollywood romantic movies which captured the heart of viewers. Their brightness wont dim with ages in the mind of the movie lovers. But for me the magical romantic Hollywood move Titanic has a specialty which will place it in top of the all other movies. </p>


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