
Several Classic Hollywood Movies - Entertainment - Movies

<p>"",my own blog, here I share movie information with you!</p>

<p>As is known to all, when referring to movies, we have to say something about Hollywood. There is no doubt that the Hollywood movies are outstanding in the film field. Next, I will introduce some classic Hollywood movies to you.</p>

<p>1. The Shawshank Redemption</p>

<p>A great film full of fanatics.</p>

<p>2. Schindler's List</p>

<p>This is a 3 hours long movie. Be patient and see it till end. By which, Spielberg won the Oscar in 1993 after several failures.</p>

<p>3. Se7en</p>

<p>It is a thriller, but not scary, more of a mental stimulation. It is a transparent and deeply analytics to human evil nature. See it and comprehending the essence during the movie.</p>

<p>4. Casablanca</p>

<p>Forever Ingrid Bergman, actually a classic movie with a classic story.</p>

<p>5. All Quiet on the Western Front</p>

<p>It is a strong ideological work since the first Oscar Award. It is also one of the greatest anti-war film during the film history. It revealed the tragic reality of war and defeated the so-called "patriotic" dream.</p>

<p>6. Gone with the Wind</p>

<p>"The No.1 epic" of Oscar. It is a masterpiece revealing the love, which becomes an insurmountable "highest point" in the Hollywood movies history.</p>

<p>7. Waterloo Bridge</p>

<p>It is a tear-jerking love story during the war. Thus, it also becomes one of the three love tragedies in the film history.</p>

<p>8. Citizen Kane</p>

<p>An important experiment during the world cinema history. It reflects the living state of a Faustian figure in the material world. It is also called as "a pure film poem".</p>

<p>9. Roman Holiday</p>

<p>It is a story of romantics and full of artistic beauty. It is a model of love film in film history.</p>

<p>10. Rear Window</p>

<p>This is the outstanding representative work of "Eternal horror master". It is called a fable of "seeing films" and a poem which directed at the dark heart.</p>

<p>11. Ben-Hur</p>

<p>It is a breakthrough record during the Hollywood history and filled with a sense of humility and awe to God.</p>

<p>12. The Sound of Music</p>

<p>A artistic masterpiece, which is the most cherished of human memory. It the classic of Hollywood classic musicals.</p>

<p>13. Ghost</p>

<p>As an American moral renaissance masterpiece, it reflects the romantic tenderness beyond life and death.</p>

<p>14. Dances with Wolves</p>

<p>It is a success reflection of multi-cultural view of the film in the history and a profound of U.S Westward Movement.</p>

<p>15. True Lies</p>

<p>This is a classic action movie during the 20th century in the 1990s of the United States.</p>

<p>Now, here I list few classic films of Hollywood. Still, there are more films that I do not list. You can share more with me and discuss with me.

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