
Top 10 Celebrities with Bad Teeth - Health - Dental Care

<p>As your smile is one of the first things people notice at you, you might be wondering just how some celebrities managed to get as famous as they are. Sure, looks aren't everything, but when people in the public eye are so heavily judged based on how they look, it's fascinating to see how some celebrities don't seem to mind having truly bad teeth. So who are the top 10 offenders for having poorly looked-after smiles? Well, for starters it's difficult to ignore Kelis, whose song Milkshake propelled her to the public eye in the UK a few years ago. Unfortunately, it seems as though the singer has had one too many milkshakes in her time, as many of her teeth are now golden. Other golden teeth owners include a variety of rap stars, including well-known artist Nelly who sports several of them. Whether the replacements are genuine or the rapper just wanted to inject a little more 'bling' into his appearance is anybody's guess. As a general rule, nobody messes with actor Steve Busc
emi - including dentists, it seems. The Reservoir Dogs star has a mouthful of squint teeth that would make anybody cringe, not just his latest torture victim. However, bad celebrity teeth isn't as obvious as the above examples. Singers like Rehab star Amy Winehouse only shows off her missing teeth when she opens wide - and Madonna's gap between her front teeth have only made the megastar all the more iconic, so perhaps having bad teeth isn't as career damaging as one might thing. After all, girls like Avril Lavigne and Kirsten Dunst have both managed fine, the latter of whom going from strength to strength in her showbiz career. What's more, Tom Cruise and Zac Efron aren't known to have the best teeth in town and it's clear they're both doing just fine - the same with Harry Potter hero Daniel Radcliffe.It's important to look after your teeth, whether you're a big movie star or just their next door neighbour. Our teeth go a lot towards how other people perceive us when they m
eet us, which is why it's a good idea to do what we can to ensure we've got nice smiles for those all important first impressions. Maybe the celebrities above could still take a tip or two from those of us that do take good care of our teeth - and consider taking out a new dental insurance plan!Jonathan Wallace writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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